Posts Tagged ‘ Touhou ’

不撓不屈のモーメント // Futoufukutsu no Moment

God I love the energy in this song! Also, the lyrics remind me The Legend of Hakurei-Chang.

Here is my groundless “bungaku shoujo” type imagination drive: The captain of this ship admired if not loved Murasa while she was alive (or if this is years later, admired and loved her through stories about her). Ashamed of himself he is ready to make up for it by releasing her, even if he is only releasing a demon, even if he must die to do it.

“quick to anger” is more like “prone to irrational bursts of anger” in this case.

 Futoufukutsu no Moment
 Unyielding Moment
[石鹸屋] 東方マグマー [例大祭8]
ACE, 秀三, Hellnian

輝き続ける 記憶を頼りに
波の音に消えてゆく声を 辿る
おい 膝 笑うな そんな場合じゃない
嘘でもいい 下向く暇すら 与えないで

Relying on my still glimmering memories
We reach her voice fading in the sound of the waves
No! This is no time for my knees to give way!
I don’t care what you say, just don’t give me a moment to look down!!

八つ当たりと言われてしまえば それまでの話だ
自らの恐れを 他人にも味わわせ続けた

They may call me quick to anger, but there’s nothing I can say back
All I’ve been doing is let others know my fears!

閉ざされていた この扉の鍵に

I’m sure she has realized
That pain,
The keys to these gates where she’s locked away,
And the ugliness of me, so easily tied
To the anchor of fate

不条の理 貼り付けられては
藻掻く事も許されなかった 身体を
涙も枯れ果て 渇いた心で
暴れだした 灼熱マグマな 血潮を
さあ 解き放て 宜候!

They may say I’ve lost all sense of reason
But I cannot let myself falter
My tears have dried up and my heart as well
But now a scorching hot magma rushes through my veins
Now!! This is it! Keep her steady!!!

罰であるかのように 私を溺れさせ続ける

Even if it looks like we’ve made it through
We’re surrounded
Like a sentence of guilt, it keeps trying to drown me

理不尽さの荒波に 苦しみ喘ぐ事が運命ならば
覚悟を決めて 敢えて行こう
彼女のもと この船と共に

I suddenly realized
If it is my fate to gasp in anguish in those irrational waves
I’ll fix my determination, and keep moving forward
Into the darkness
With this ship, to where she lies

輝き続ける 記憶を頼りに
波の音に消えてゆく声を 辿る
おい 膝 笑うな そんな場合じゃない
嘘でもいい 下向く暇すら 与えず
さあ 踏み出させろ 宜候!

Relying on my still glimmering memories
We reach her voice fading in the sound of the waves
No! This is no time for my knees to give way!
I don’t care what you say, just don’t give me a moment to look down!!

不条の理 貼り付けられては
藻掻く事も許されなかった 身体を
涙も枯れ果て 渇いた心で
暴れだした 灼熱マグマな 血潮を
さあ 解き放て 宜候!

They may say I’ve lost all sense of reason
But I cannot let myself falter
My tears have dried up and my heart as well
But now a scorching hot magma rushes through my veins
Now!! This is it! Keep her steady!!!

冬中哀歌 // Touchuu Aika

Requested by: Ninamo

I was planning on getting this song out a little earlier, but I’ve not been running at my prime lately D: I’ve still got a lot of stuff to do before the year is over…

I love that word: 嘯く(うそぶく) “to feign”, especially in relation to seasons. It just feels so mystic.

Anyway. Enjoi.

 Touchuu Aika
 Winter Lament
歌: ランコ
編曲・歌詞: コンプ
Circle: BOXELL(豚乙女)
Album: 恋々幻想郷オリジナルサウンドトラック
Event: Reitaisai 8

桜で花見 春を信じて

Even if the season were to feign it were changing
How could I forget this feeling deep inside my skin
There is nothing to see during this frozen winter, yet
I wait watching under the cherry tree, believing in spring


The hand of the clock which cannot turn back is sharp
Only the sound of its cruel tick resounds

限りある 手札が
迷わせる 本能

There is a limit to my cards
My instincts betray me

桜で花見 春を信じて

Even if the season were to feign it were changing
How could I forget this feeling deep inside my skin
There is nothing to see during this frozen winter, yet
I wait watching under the cherry tree, believing in spring

「答え」とは違う 正しいだけの真実
求め手を放して 何かが残る

There is a truth, pure and simple, different from “the answer”
When you stop searching for it, and let go, something remains

月がほら きれいで‥

Without a thought I look to the sky
Just look how beautiful the moon is…

そこにある心 裏の裏を肌で感じて
鍵掛けてしまった その想いも

Even if I cry and my tears never stop
I can still feel my heart deep under my skin
Though I have locked all those feelings away
I believe there is meaning in everything


My white memories are being filled in
Even this sadness dyes them a brilliant cerulean

そこにある心 裏の裏を肌で感じて
鍵掛けてしまった その想いも

Even if I cry and my tears never stop
I can still feel my heart deep under my skin
Though I have locked all those feelings away
I believe there is meaning in everything

Next Step Flows

Oh. By the way. REQUESTS ARE BACK OPEN. :3

I would also like to take this space to thank Mika who made a generous donation to my site/efforts ^w^ I really appreciate it.

Requested by Gears of Walker

I love the lyrics to this song, and the sort of back beat is cool too. :)

Next Step Flows
Vocals: aki
Arrangement & Lyrics: linjin
Circle: Cytokine
Album: The TOWER
Event: Reitaisai 7

ああ 手を伸ばしても
ああ 遠ざかるばかりで

Ah, Even if I stretch out my hands
Ah, Everything just fades away into the distance
Of all the things I’ve gathered here
None of them I can use

ただ影だけ 映しこんだスクリーン

As light shines in
Through sliced frames of time
Only shadows project upon my screen


I want to move foward
While I stay unable to do anything
Behind all the smiles
I feel like I’m losing something

押し流してよ 何もかも全部
どうせ願いは もう届かない

Wash everything away, let it all flow down
After all, our wishes no longer make it

ああ 手を伸ばしても
ああ 遠ざかるばかりの

Ah, Even if I stretch out my hands
Ah, Everything just fades away into the distance
Of all the dreams I’ve gathered here
None of them make me smile

その影だけ 映しこんだスクリーン

Slumbering light shines
Through warm days
Only those shadows project upon my screen


Don’t you want to go somewhere?
While I’m unable to
Share tears with you
I feel like I’m forgetting something

押し流してよ 何もかも全部
どうせ願いは もう響かない

Wash everything away, let it all flow down
After all, our wishes no longer ring out

教えて 僕は諦めたくない

What do you want to know?
Tell me, I won’t give up
I have this feeling

押し流してよ 今までの僕を
ここから始まる 気がしてる

I’ll wash everything away, all I am up until now
Because I feel that this is where it all begins.

nothing guilty

^I love this image….

Requested by grooven

This is another one on the list I think I’ve taken way too much time on. Maybe I just don’t have enough Shikieiki love. She’s an awesome Touhoumon though. >:D esp. SS ver.

nothing guilty
六十年目の東方裁判~Fate of Sixty Year|東方花映塚
Vocal: 葉月ゆら
Arrange: 黒鳥
Lyric: くまりす
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Felsic Mirage
Event: C78

かすかに見える 罪の地平線
睨む暁儚くも 夢をみる

I can faintly see, the horizon of sin
As in the glaring sunrise fleetingly, I dream


“Of things long past――”


Why do people sin?


In selfishness… for their own sake

抗えず流され 侵す罪

They lose sight of their place in life and wander lost
Amidst whispering voices they cannot erase
As they are washed away unable to resist the oncoming sin

奈落に狂う 怯え叫ぶ声
闇にのまれて崩れゆく理と ひとつ咲いた花

Driven to insanity in hell, they raise fearful screams
As they are swallowed by the darkness, their reason crumbling, a single flower blossoms


Why do humans sin?


Out of compassion… for others’ sakes

忍び寄る影 姿無く
奪われて失い 侵す罪

Ones they love that have supported them time and time again
By formless creeping shadows
Are swept away and lost as sin breaks in

裁きを下す 金の天秤が
傾き落ちて流されだす理に 枯れて朽ちた花

Golden scales bring down judgment
They lean and fall, and in the flowing onset of reason, flowers wither away

氷の上に 並ぶ常の中
絡む人の手振りほどき均整に 添えた罪の花

Over the ice, lined symmetrically over eternity lie
Flowers of sin set beyond the tangle of human hands

奈落に迷い 歩む事を辞め
闇に任せてそびえ立つ理と ふたつ咲いた花

Wandering through hell, another quits walking
Giving in to the darkness, and with towering reason, a second flower blossoms

^Touhoumon Version.

きゅんきゅんたまらんいなばたん。 // Kyun-Kyun Tamaran Inaba-tan

Requested by Sera

Izumin’s Lyrics!!!

This is the silliest song I’ve ever, ever translated – and I’ve sure covered some silly ones.

This song relies heavily on sound-effects and I think that if I tried to translate them all literally it would take a lot away from the song, so most of the “sounds” are kept as romanizations and I’ve put most of the meanings that are clear (many of them are made up and thus unclear) in the notes.

Inaba is Kaguya’s word for rabbit, and refers to Reisen in this song.

There are so many “sound” words that – well, I’ll try my best, but I’ll probably use a lot of them as-is. So in other words, this will be sort of like romaji with the meaningful bits translated >.> Here are some of the definitions for some of the sound words:
Hora!/Horya! – *a word used to grab someone’s attention*
Torya! – something like “take that!”
Sorya! – like Sore-Sore! also like “take that!”
Arya! – kind of like Ara-Ara but with more of an “oops…” to it.
Uki-Uki – happy floaty feelings
Gu-Guru/Guru-Guru – spinning sensation
Pyon-Pyoko/Pyop-Pyoko – hopping
Chin-Chiku – first part of Chin-Chiku-Rin which means “Short and Stumpy”
**Chikurin means “Bamboo Forest”
Waku-Waku – getting excited
Suki-Suki/Chuki-Chuki – love-love
Meki-Meki – probably like tokimeki = heart beats
Gu-tara – sleepy and languid
Nya – Meowing Sound
Nyu – probably means hugging in a more gooey way
Zubababa/Zubibibi – Laser Sounds
Niya-Niya – Grinning
Anything with “Gyu” – like Hugging
Anything with “Kyun” – chest tightening
Anything with “Chu” – kissing
Anything with “Doki” – heart-beats

The numbers, are pronounced in a variety of ways, either Japanese-ish, Chinese-ish, or English-ish, often mixed all together, so you have one-ni-pa!

“Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!”
-Eiya as in Touhou-Eiyashou means “Endless/Imperishable Night”, but also works as a generic chant.
-Teruyo is a nickname/alternate reading of Kaguya’s name, 輝夜, meaning “shining night”.

 Kyun-Kyun Tamaran Inaba-tan.
 Kyun-Kyun I Can’t Help Myself Inaba-tan!
竹取飛翔~Lunatic Princess|東方永夜抄
Vocal: Tsubaki
Arrange: すみじゅん
Lyric: いずみん
Circle: Halozy
Album: Starry Presto
Event: C77


Inaba-! It’s me-!
The truth is, I ca.. I can’t take it anymore!
I mean.. it’s just…
Marry me!!!!

ほら わんにっさん つーさんし! どぎまぎ!
あそんじゃいたくなったら どうしよう!
ほら さんにっし わんつーふぉー! うきうき!
いなば ぴょんぴょこ ぴょっぴょこ わんつーさんし!

Hora! One-Two-Three Two-Three-Four! Doki-Magi!
If I suddenly want to play with you… Oh what will I do?!
Hora! Three-Two-Four One-Two-Four! Uki-Uki!
Inaba! Pyon-Pyoko Pyop-Pyoko One-Two-Three-Four!


Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!
Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!
Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!
Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!


Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!
Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!
Eiya! Eiya! Te-Teruyo!
Eiya! Eiya! Te-Te-Te!

ぼんぼやぼんぼやヴォヤージュな うさみみたべた
そりゃ ぐーぐる ぐーぐる はらいたい
いぐすり そりゃもらえない

I ate some Bon-Boya Bon-Boya Voyage Rabbit Ears
Sorya! Gu-Guru Gu-Guru my stomach hurts!
And I can’t get any stomach medicine!

ちんちくちんちくちくりんで ぐるぐるまわる
ほりゃ なんなば なんなば いなばたん
とりゃ ざやく!なげて!きめたったー!

Chin-Chiku Chin-Chiku In the bamboo forest, spinning around
Horya! Nan-Naba Nan-Naba Inaba-tan
Torya! Throwing a Suppository! I’ve got it!!

月色夜空に 想いを馳せた
サテライトキャノン! うててててーゐ!ずばばば!

In the moon-colored night sky, setting my emotions aflame
Satellite Cannon! Fire!!!–TeTeTe-Tewi! Zubababa!!

ほら さんにっつー わんさんつー! どきどき!
てをつなぎたくなったら どうしよう!
ほら にーさんごー わんつーふぇー! ぶぐうぎ!
いなば ぴょんぴょこ ぴょっぴょこ わんつーさんし!

Hora! Three-Two-Two One-Three-Two! Doki-Doki!
If I suddenly want to hold hands with you… Oh what will I do?!
Hora! Two-Three-Five One-Two-Five! Fugu-Ugi!
Inaba Pyon-Pyoko Pyop-Pyoko One-Two-Three-Four!

ほら しーにっさん つーわんしー! にょきにょき!
にゃーしちゃいたくなったら どうしよう!
ほら にーさんふぉー しーさんびー! わくわく!
いなば ぴょんぴょこ ぴょんぴょこ こけたー!

Hora! Four-Two-Three Two-One-Four! Nyoki-Nyoki!
When I suddenly want to “Nya~”… Oh what will I do?!
Hora! Two-Three-Four Four-Three-Three! Waku-Waku!
Inaba Pyon-Pyoko Pyop-Pyoko… I’m fallen for you!


Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!


Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Kyun-Kyururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Gyu-Gyu-Gyu!

なんちゃらかんちゃらたべすぎて おなかふくれた
んで やんでれやんでれもこたんが
みすちーやいてたべてた \アッー!/

Nanchara Kanchara I ate too much, my tummy’s gotten fat!
And Yandere Yandere Moko-tan
Roasted Misty and ate her!! \Ah!/

なんだかなんだかまちあわせ したきがするぞ
ほりゃ ぐーたらぐーたらねすごした
ありゃ ごねん!ぐらい!すぎたったー!

Nandaka Nandaka I’m supposed to meet with someone… haven’t I done this before?
Horya! Gu-Tara Gu-Tara I’ve overslept!
Arya! And five years have gone by!!!

水面が映した 恋色模様
メガりゅうしほう うててててーゐ!ずびびび!

Reflected on the water’s surface, the color of love
Mega Heavy-Particle Cannon! Fire!!! TeTeTe-Tewi! Zubibibi!

ほら ふぉーにっつー しーさんしー! もにゅもにゅ!
ぎゅーしちゃいたくなったら どうしよう!
ほら わんさんごー わんつーふぇー めきめき!
いなば ぴょんぴょこ ぴょんぴょこ わんつーさんし!

Hora! Four-Two-Two Four-Three-Four! Monyu-Monyu!
If I suddenly want to hug you… Oh what will I do?!
Hora! One-Three-Five One-Two-Five! Meki-Meki!
Inaba Pyon-Pyoko Pyop-Pyoko One-Two-Three-Four!

ほら ふぉーにっさん つーよんしー! ぽやぽや!
にゅーしちゃいたくなったら どうしよう!
ほら にーさんふぉー しーさんぴー! ひやひや!
いなば ぴょんぴょこ ぴょんぴょこ すきだー!

Hora! Four-Two-Three Two-Four-Four! Poya-Poya!
If I suddenly want to go “Nyu-” Oh what will I do?!
Hora! Two-Three-Four Four-Three-Three Hiya-Hiya!
Inaba Pyon-Pyoko Pyop-Pyoko I love you!!


Ha..Hahi-! U..Uniform..! You know what I mean!
Get over here, now… right.. Hey! Come On! Yes!
Y..You don’t have to make a face like that!
Ah! She ran away! Don’t run away!!
Ze…Ha… Chasing after Inaba-tan is fun!!
Yes! I’ve got her! Chew-Chewing on her ears!
Huh? Well if it isn’t Tewi! Well, you’ll do just fine~

ほら にーつーさん つーさんしー! すきすき!
アレしちゃいたくなったら どうしよう!
ほら さんさんちー にーにっさん! めきめき!
いなば ぴょんぴょこ ぴょっぴょこ わんつーさんし!

Hora! Two-Two-Three Two-Three-Four! Suki-Suki!
If I suddenly want to do THAT… Oh what will I do?!
Hora! Three-Three-Three Two-Two-Three! Meki-Meki!
Inaba Pyon-Pyoko Pyop-Pyoko One-Two-Three-Four!

ほら わんつーすりー いちにっさん! ちゅきちゅき!
ぎゅーしちゃいたくなったら こうしよう!
ほら しーごーろっ ちーぱーきゅー! にやにや!
いなば すきすき もふもふ ぎゅっぎゅぎゅー!

Hora! One-Two-Three One-Two-Three! Chuki-Chuki!
If I suddenly want to hug you… I’ll do this!!
Hora Four-Five-Six Seven-Eight-Nine! Niya-Niya!
Inaba Suki-Suki Mofu-Mofu Gyu-Gyu-Gyu!


Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!


Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chururun!
Inaba! Inaba! Chu-Chu-Chu!