Posts Tagged ‘ Touhou ’

Magical Astronomy (Lost in the Rain)

Requested by Kizoku-chan

I’m going to go ahead and refuse to think of this song as dealing with Renko and Merry, because Renko and Merry can never separate. They are bound by the strongest threads of fate! The gods smile upon them! No one can tear them apart! No one I tell you, No one!

Magical Astronomy (Lost in the Rain)
Vocal: 野宮あゆみ
Arrangement: REDALiCE
Lyric: Haruka
Circle: Alstroemeria Records
Album: of memories
Event: C78

この雨がやむころには 消えているかな
貴方まだ微笑んでた 今もこの胸に

I wonder if it will disappear, when the rain stops falling
But now, you still smile in my heart

歪んでもう見えない 澄んだあの空は
集めてたパズルは 一つ足りないまま

With everything twisted, I cannot see the clear sky anymore
The puzzle we’ve gathered has one piece too few

叶わないわ 願い忘れて
唱えてた 胸の中で呪文
あの空は すべて飲み込み
消されてく 大切な1ページ

My wish will never come true, it has been forgotten
The spell I once spoke in my heart
That sky, swallows everything
And that precious single page is erased

流す涙を隠して 雨は降ってた
二度と届かないことを 悔やんでる今も

Hiding flowing tears the rain was falling
Something that cannot be reached again, suffering over now

離れてた心は 繋ぎ止められず
揃えてたパズルは 一つ足りないまま

With our hearts separated, we cannot join together
The puzzle we’ve put together has one piece too few

降り続ける 想い隠せず
今もまだ 貴方を探してた
この心 失くしてた物
破れてた 大切な1ページ

Unable to hide my emotions still raining
Now, I still search for you
My heart, I have lost
And that precious single page is torn

叶わない 願い忘れて
唱えてた 胸の中で呪文
この雨は すべて流して
消されてく 大切な1ページ

My wish will never come true, it has been forgotten
The spell I once spoke in my heart
That sky, swallows everything
And that precious single page is erased

この恋は 終わり告げ
降り続く この雨は

This love comes to an end
As the rain keeps ever falling


I like Parsee. Jealous and hateful women are, well. Lovely in a way, because they aren’t ‘pure’, but are strong and wild of will. They also make for great writing material :3

Requested by Primity

Caligo is latin for darkness. It is also the name of a large species of butterfly “owl butterflies” famous for their spots that look like owls’ eyes.

Vocal, Lyrics: 三澤秋
Arrangement: 源屋
Circle: Alice’s Emotion
Album: Overture|Kana
Event: Reitaisai 8

暗闇の果て 碧い奈落で
貴方ひとりを 焦がれ続けた

At the ends of darkness, in this pale blue hell
I burn with passion for you alone

忘れ果てたまま 私は

Even the fragrance of the traveling winds
Even the light that would fill the sky
I have completely forgotten them
As I wander through this endless night

息を潜めて 碧い奈落で

Hushing my sobs, in this pale blue hell
I cry crimson tears

欲しいものなど たったひとつしかない
ただ あなたが欲しい

Why do you say I must bear this distant separation
That this loneliness is recompense for my sins?
There has only been one thing I’ve ever wanted
All I want is you


For every wish there is eventually a return
So please, do not forgive me
But if only I could melt away
Like pure white snow


In this place where no one ever comes
I’ll sing a song of an eternal love
Until the morning ever breaks
Until my soul burns away

Silent Neighbor

Requested by: FlandrexEatsxPpl

I got requested specifically for the acoustic version, but the lyrics are the same.

I think it’s cool that the heavy metalists are experimenting more with female vocalists. I mean metal + male vocalists is great too most of the time, but you wouldn’t get something like this.

Silent Neighbor
Vocal: 池田将
Arrange: Taka
Lyrics: Taka
Album: From the Bottom Of The Heart
Event: C79

君と二人で描いた あの夢の続き
私一人で見るには 儚すぎるストーリー

I watch alone the progression of our dream
We once made together, a story far too short

過ぎしあの日に交わした 最後の約束
今も覚えていますか 夕日色の指きり

Do you still remember that final promise we made?
Our promise we made the color of the setting sun, that day long ago?

いつかは君も 私のことを 忘れてしまうことでしょう
それを独り 見守ること それが私の努め

I’m sure one day you’ll forget about me
But it is my duty to watch over you, alone

人の命は儚い 陽炎の如く
私はその傍らで ともに歩みゆくもの

A human’s life is transient, like a mirage
But I will still walk beside you

時は流れて 輪廻は巡り 続く未来に夢を見る
たとえいつか その絆が 薄れてゆくとしても

Time flows on and fate turns, as we dream of the future
Even if one day our bonds weaken…

時は流れて 輪廻は巡り 続く未来に夢を見る
たとえいつか その絆が 薄れてゆくとしても

Time flows on and fate turns, as we dream of the future
Even if one day our bonds weaken…

いつかは君も 私のことを 思い出す日が来るでしょう
いつか知れぬ その時まで 続く二人の誓い

I’m sure one day you’ll remember me
But until that time comes our vows will remain

紫焉 // Shien

Requested by: Rumia13 (of many names)

*Award for Longest Wait* D:

The title is a reference to the word 終焉 which means “the end” as in death. 紫 is the symbol used for Yukari’s name. So you could consider the title to mean “Death of Yukari”, if you’d like. There are several other references to Yukari in the song, including “gaps” and the “many layered clouds” which is a phrase reference to Yukari’s surname “八雲”.

You should know by now, that half of the time I use the word “bleeding” in my translations, especially if it is anywhere near a color, it refers to 滲む, which doesn’t necessarily have any connection with “blood”, but in this case, well.

 Violet Ending
Circle: Frontier 彩 (AJA)
Album: 紅魔城伝説 妖幻の鎮魂歌 オリジナルサウンドトラック
Event: Reitaisai 8

狭間すり抜けて 訪れた闇に抱かれ
鈍い高鳴りは 彼方へと消えていく
紫に滲む 八重に連なる雲のように
ゆめは朧げに ただ惑わすまぼろし

Slipping away through the gap I am embraced
By the darkness I seek, my dull pain fading
Into the distance, my dreams bleeding violet
Like many layered clouds, like deceptive illusions

あらわれては消えゆく たまゆら
(ぶれたせかい きえる)
(Ah, wait til I sleep)

In my blurred vision
Images appear and vanish like foam on water
(This blurred world is disappearing)
I hate that smile of yours
(Ah, wait til I sleep)

このまま ずっと見ていて傍で
(ねてるあいだ うごかないで)
朝まで そっとしといてここで
声を潜めて すぐに
(ゆめで くちづけして)

Stay and watch forever by my side
Don’t move
(Don’t move while I’m sleeping)
Stay quietly here until morning
Hush your voice now
(Kiss me in my dreams)

僅かな光に 照らされ伸びる影法師
映ろう縁は 重ならず消えていく
胸に絡みつく 契りのような蜘蛛の糸
果たせないままで 甘い眠り誘う

With a faint light shining on me I cast a shadow
The fate it projects disappears without crossing another
A spider’s thread is tangled in my heart like a vow I
Cannot fulfill, as I am lured into a sweet sleep

砂は涙みたいに 痛いわ
(まぶたおちた なみだ)
(Ah, wait til the end)

With my eyelids shut
The sand hurts like tears
(Tears in my eyelids shut)
Please lick them away
(Ah, wait til the end)

このまま 息を止めて傍で
(ねてるあいだ さわらないで)
優しく もっと愛していてね
別の姿で すぐに
(ゆめで つよくだいて)

Stay and halt your breath by my side
Don’t touch me
(Don’t touch me while I’m sleeping)
Love me more and more
In a different way, now
(Embrace me in my dreams)

あらわれては消えゆく 幻夜
(ずれたすきま きえる)
(Ah, wait til I sleep)

In this unnatural gap
Images appear and vanish like a night of phantoms
(This unnatural gap is disappearing)
I want our hearts to touch
(Ah, wait til I sleep)

このまま ずっと見ていて傍で
(ねてるあいだ しずかにして)
このまま そっと微笑んでいてね
終焉りまでいて お願い
(ゆめで いきをとめて)
このまま ずっと見ていて傍で
(ねてるあいだ うごかないで)
朝まで そっとしといてここで
声を潜めて すぐに
(ゆめで くちづけして)

Stay and watch forever by my side
Stay quiet
(Stay quiet while I’m sleeping)
Stay and softly smile for me
Please stay with me until the end
(Halt your breath in my dreams)
Stay and watch forever by my side
Don’t move
(Don’t move while I’m sleeping)
Stay quietly here until morning
Hush your voice now
(Kiss me in my dreams)

孤独に耐えせし少女ノ祈リ // Kodoku ni Taeseshi Shoujo no Inori ~FAR EAST GATE ZERO~

Librarians. :3 / Yeah I know that this is much more of a Patchouli song, but allow me to flood the post with pictures of Koakuma, she hardly ever gets the opportunity.

Requested by: Sonia

Now it’s time for me to apologize m(_ _)m This request takes the record for longest time taken for a single request at 10 weeks and 3 days. m(_ _)m

Anyway, this is an interesting way to look at magic, runes as entities with personality, and demons (?) called upon to release the secret spells/codes. (Similar to how grimoires “Key of Solomon” etc, deal with it I guess.)

By the way, speaking of code: programming is magic. There was an anime with that premise. It was awful, but I enjoyed it. But since it was so awful I won’t even mention the name. Those that have seen it know what I’m talking about.

孤独に耐えせし少女ノ祈り~FAR EAST GATE ZERO~
 Kodoku ni Taeseshi Shoujo no Inori
 The Prayer of a Girl Withstanding Loneliness
Circle: テックトランス (TatshMusicCircle)
Album: 秋葉文化祭 ~第一章~ 秋葉文化祭コンピレーションCD Vol.2 -DISK2-
Event: 秋葉文化祭


A spell of destruction echoes down the path
That runs straight through this underground prison
Even if you can call your soul back
The darkness draws you in

独りの少女が背負う 傷跡たち

Ah… Withstanding loneliness
A single girl carries her many scars
What does she see at the end of a battle?

呼び醒ませ今 この心へ…
操られ 記されてた

Now many promises made in the past
Are called to waken, to come to my heart…
Manipulated, here they release
The secret codes written long ago


Magic floods in through
Gaps in the darkness;
With it hearts cross and
A faint light shines in


Ah… Even the symbols drawn upon
The maps I laid out as a child
Die as sacrifices for battle

呼び醒ませ今 此の幻
操られ 残されてた

Now many fates cross over the night
Called to waken, to come to my heart…
Manipulated, here they release
Illusions that had been left behind

呼び醒ませ今 この心へ…

Now many promises made in the past
Are called to waken, to come to my heart…

呼び醒ませ今 此の幻
操られ 残されてた

Now many fates cross over the night
Called to waken, to come to my heart…
Manipulated, here they release
Illusions that had been left behind