君色マスタースパーク Kimi-Iro Master Spark! – Your Color Master Spark!

^Oh, visit Saya’s site/pixiv and stuff ^_^ I threw a link on the sidebar.

君色マスタースパーク Kimi-Iro Master Spark! – Your Color Master Spark! is from Lyrical Crimson, by EastNewSound released C75 :)

All I can think of is “I can change him!” >.> lol

4 more songs and I’ll have all of Lyrical Crimson :D

YouTubeListenLink: [link]


自分の気持に 嘘はつけない
素直な想いを ぶつけ続けるだけ
受け止めるかどうかは 君次第よ?
後悔なんて させないからね

My feelings cannot lie,
I just keep attacking with my honest emotion
Whether you can take it, well that’s all up to you isn’t it?
But I won’t let you regret it, ‘kay?


When I can’t sleep
I think of the day we first met
I just couldn’t take my eyes away
My heart was dyed in your color

思いだったら 動き出さなくちゃ
失敗なんて恐れてられない 先手必勝
自信があるんじゃなくて 負けたくないの

If that’s how I feel I’ve got to do something!
I can’t be afraid of losing! I’ll make a sure win by the first move!
I’m not going to be captured by anyone!
It’s not that I have confidence, but that I just don’t wanna lose!

悩んでばかりじゃ 前には進めない
怖がってばかりじゃ 君に近づけない

If I keep worrying – I can’t move forward
If I keep being afraid – I can’t get close to you

髪色も 服の色も

My hair color and the color of my clothes,
I changed it all to your favorite color

君色に染まってく 私を見ていてほしいの
君の特別になりたい 嘘じゃないのよ
いつかは君を変えたいんだ 私の色に

I want you to see me dyed in all your colors
I want to be special to you, I’m not lying
I want to be the closest one to you, and
Someday, I want to change you – into my color.

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