HaLe inthe 270゜Lyrics / Translation

I’ve always been a bit of a t+pazolite fan :) He does great hardcore mixes, though I really only know his stuff through Alice’s Emotion/Hardcore Tano*c :x

Anyway “HaLe inthe 270゜” is an arrangement of Mountain of Faith’s Extra Stage Theme, working up to Suwako from Alstroemeria Records’ Double Counterpoint released Reitaisai 7

I can see Suwako as a party girl.

YouTube Listen Link: [link]

Bit of play on words: 政 (matsurigoto) the government (the thing which is to be praised/respected.. sorta), 祭(matsuri) a festival (roots in ->), 祀る(matsuru) to deify, praise worship.
数奇 often carries “misfortune” as a connotation, but I don’t think that’s the case in this song.
八百万 is literally 8 million, but also means innumerable and is the “number of gods in Japan”

HaLe inthe 270゜

Vocal:リズナ/ Lyric:t+pazolite
Original Score:明日ハレの日、ケの昨日
Circle: Alstroemeria Records
Album: Double Counterpoint
Event: Reitaisai 7

R U ready to see the world?
I am ready to see ur show.
Do you have anything to play with?
I may have everything you have.
Can you make me enjoy right now?
But no one could do it really.
How do you move my XTC?
More and more, please Make me crazy!

お遊戯の相手は もうこない?
お決まりのやりとり もういらない

Have my playmates stopped coming already?
I don’t need these formalities anymore.

久々の政も つまらない
お祭りをしてても 祀らない

This long instated government is boring,
Even when there’s a festival, there’s no praise going on.

風切る 朝にも 赤く染まる 暮れにも
数奇な 出会いに 乱れ騒げ 舞おうか

In the wind cutting morning and the red dyed evening too,
Shall we dance? Wildly, loudly, in our strange and checkered meetings.

そう 人には理解できぬ神々の宴を
異端の者にだけ赦された 狂宴
幾千、八百万の 楽しみを味わい
(さあ)揉め事忘れ去り始めよう 秘め事

Yes, this festival of gods is something humans cannot comprehend;
It’s a crazed banquet which only the heretics could allow
Let’s taste thousands, no eight million pleasures!
Now forget all your quarrels and lets start this secret!

お遊戯の相手は もうこない?
お決まりのやりとり もういらない

Have my playmates stopped coming already?
I don’t need these formal exchanges anymore.

変わらない政も つまらない
お祀りをしてても つまらない

This unchanging government is boring,
Even when there’s a festival it’s boring.

陽が射す 昼にも 月が綺麗な 宵にも
辺鄙な 出会いに 乱れ騒げ 参ろう

In the sun piercing noon and in the beautiful moon’s midnight
So come now, Wildly, loudly, in our remote meetings.

せーの 偏に可笑しく美しい 激情さえも
食みつつ嚥下しつつ愉しむ 劇場
もし今この身が果て いたづらになろうとも
(げに)悔いなし だがしかし続けよう 秘め事

One-Two! Deviously amusing and beautiful, bordering on ecstacy
Though bursting, still swallowing and enjoying our theatre play,
If now this body would end, it’d be a joke!
(Now really,) Have no worries!! Even yes, but so, Let’s Continue!! This secret.

お遊戯の相手は もうきたし
お決まりのやりとり もういらない
変わらない政も 悪くない
お祭りをするのも 悪くない

My playmate’s already arrived, so
I don’t need these formalities anymore.
The unchanging government isn’t a bad thing.
Having a festival – isn’t a bad thing.

R U ready to see the world?
I am ready to see ur show.
Do you have anything to play with?
I may have everything you have.
Can you make me enjoy right now?
But no one could do it really.
How do you move my XTC?
More and more, please Make me crazy!

    • Naolin
    • March 21st, 2010

    First of all, awesome. Second, can I get you to translate something else for me~? Reimu may be clicked again, because even if there’s no Remilia in this one it looks like it has some interesting lyrics.

    Track 8~

    • Sounds good – I’ll hop to it – might take me a while because my spring break’s ending, but I’ll probably get it out relatively soon ;)

    • Saltiren
    • March 28th, 2020

    Hey Kafka, thank you so much for your translations.

    I am not sure if you still read comments on these older posts, but would you be able to give insight into what the title of the song is supposed to mean? You are one of the only people I have seen format the song as “HaLe inthe 270°”.

    • As for the format (capitalization and spacing), I was just following the stylization of the track title as it was printed on the CD jacket.

      There is another similarly styled track title “faith ofthe 540°”(no weird capitalization in this one though) on Overture | SUWA so I’m sure the 270° is referring to a rotation rather than a temperature etc.

      HaLe is not the word “hale” (or hail) but ハレ “ha re” as in ハレの日 as in the title of the original track: 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日. The capitalization might be to bring attention to that fact.

      I don’t think the rotation (270° or 3/4 turns) really means anything other than to put a cool spin on things. (pun intended).

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