Archive for September 6th, 2010


Hey look, I finally got over to my backlog!

Who said there’s no Medincine Melancholy Track on this album!?
Well I’m making this song one of hers!!
White dress!? Well she’ll just be covered in Lily of the Valley Flowers!

Ok, it really could be anyone (from Phantasmagoria of Flower View). Just pick….
I do like to think it’s Melancholy-isc, but could be Yuuka (flowers), or possibly Shikieiki (‘history of sin’, fruit).

Arrange:Irus [LiLA’c Records]
原曲:魂の花 ~ Another Dream…
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Felsic Mirage
Event: C78

why true like rainy
why true lite rainy
why true late rainy
why true blue weather rainy
why cry like rainy
why cry lite rainy
why cry late rainy
why cry blue weather rainy

save my way
チーク乗りも悪くないの キマるライン

Save my way
The blush on my cheeks isn’t bad, I’ll mark another line..
Today my nails are my favorite,
A weak red gloss

save my day
並ぶ服も 今日は違うアクセサリを

Save my day
Looking among my dresses.. today I’ll pick a different accessory too..
To the ribbons swaying in my hair,
I add a weak fragrance

赤く熟れる 林檎かじる
指に垂れた 甘い汁を舌で舐める
触れる花に 抱く恋心
優しく撫でて見える 紅いカタルシス

I take a bite of a red ripe apple
And lick the sweet juice dripping down my finger
The love embraced in this flower touched..
I imagine a loving hand stroking… what a scarlet catharsis..

load my way
何時くれるの? 約束した白のドレス
カップに浮く 白い渦にかき消された言葉

Load my way
When will I have it? My promised white dress?
Floating its cup, a white spiral swallows my words..

load my day
夢に憂う 腕に絡む薄い生地と
肌に触れる シルクの花 胸に秘めた言葉

Load my day
Grieving over dreams, with thin foundation in my hands
I touch my skin, a silk flower, with words kept in my heart

霞む灯り 歪み移ろいゆく
刻み重ね放つ 甘いカタルシス

Wavering in the air of my sweeping hair
With a dried voice I weave a history of sin
Misty lights, twisting back and forth
Pulsing leaving etches in the air, such sweet catharsis

why true like rainy
why true lite rainy
why true late rainy
why true blue weather rainy
why cry like rainy
why cry lite rainy
why cry late rainy
why cry blue weather rainy

震え惑う 求め溺れ落ちる
沈み微睡む 目に写る果実

Shaking confused, drowning within my aims
Falling to sleep, my eyes reflecting in that fruit

赤く熟れる 林檎かじる
指に垂れた 甘い汁を舌で舐める
触れる花に 抱く恋心
優しく撫でて見える 紅いカタルシス

I take a bite of a red ripe apple
And lick the sweet juice dripping down my finger
The love embraced in this flower touched..
I imagine a loving hand stroking… what a scarlet catharsis..

Night that can be danced

^PC-98 Marisa looks cooler. :F
and more Moe of course.
Hell her stage song is moe moe moe moe… “Himorogi, Burn is Violet (MOE!)” lol.

Anyway, humor aside.

Requested by: Siaoidiot

^Should have gotten him to draw the image for this post…

It’s a cool song.
Now Dance-Dance!! The witch has got you where she wants you!!

Night that can be danced
[東方封魔録 ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland]
Arranged – Syrufit
Lyric – 綾倉 盟
Vocal – mican* / 綾倉 盟
Circle: Syrup Comfiture
Album: Where is love
Event: C78

指先 首なぞり
唇 頬染めて

Welcome to a spinning, spinning, reeling world!
The tip of my finger traces your neck
and binds your legs
In the deep dim darkness there burns a single light
Lock your eyes upon it, look well
As it dyes your lips and cheeks

食べてみて 食べてみて
呼んでみて 呼んでみて
初めての 初めての
最高に 最悪な

Eat, come eat!
The forbidden fruit
Call, yes call!
Your forgotten name
This first – this first
All so special meeting
Is the best, yes the most evil
Of sweet traps

さぁ踊ろう 声が掠れるまで まだまだ夜はこれから
さぁ月が 欠けてしまわぬうちに ふたり夜に逃げよう
さぁ踊ろう 声が掠れるまで まだまだ夜はこれから
さぁ月が 欠けて帳が下りる その時までに

Now let’s dance! Until your voice wears out! The night has still only yet begun!
Now while the moon is still yet full, let’s run away into the night together!
Now let’s dance! Until your voice wears out! The night has still only yet begun!
Now, before the moon chips and the curtain falls!!


Go ahead and forget the
Scent of all those scattered blossoming, blossoming, blossoming flowers
For now we’ll just drink our minds away!
Just, just purely, justly, beautifully..
Let your heart guide you!
Now show me that perfect smile!!

ため息と ため息が
構わずに 構わずに
揺れている 揺れている
これからの これからの

Taking our breath on breath
Mixing together as a sign,
Let’s cast all our worries away!
Take me higher!!
Swaying, swaying
This modest thread,
These memories
From here on, from here on out!

さぁ踊ろう 声が掠れるまで まだまだ夜はこれから
さぁ月が 欠けてしまわぬうちに ふたり夜に逃げよう
さぁ踊ろう 声が掠れるまで まだまだ夜はこれから
さぁ月が 欠けて帳が下りる その時までに

Now let’s dance! Until your voice wears out! The night has still only yet begun!
Now while the moon is still yet full, let’s run away into the night together!
Now let’s dance! Until your voice wears out! The night has still only yet begun!
Now, before the moon chips and the curtain falls!!

^Seihou Marisa also looks pretty awesome.