Archive for September 26th, 2010

天・天・天子の天気予報 // Ten-Ten-Tenko no Tenki Yohou // Ten-Ten-Tenko’s Weather Forecast

Like most songs of this nature, it’s mostly nonsense. But fun nonsense.

Requested by: Andvari78


TenTenTenTen(x32) occurs in the background at various points, but I figured I only needed to put it the first time.
“maiden’s heart and fall weather” – both change without warning.

結構毛だらけ猫灰だらけ!: [Full Explanation in Japanese]
^”Quite a bit” – There’s hair in the chicken, the cat’s covered in ash, and your a** is covered in s***.
^I translated it as Flick-flack-click-clack-plick-plack-bwah!! Due to the fact that it’s a Japanese phrase composed purely for rhythm.

“If there are split ends in unripe shining darkness, (Cuticle!)” ← Please don’t ask me what this means, it may be an innuendo or it may just be Tenko being odd. I just took it literally. unripe might just be blue.

“raw barley, raw rice, raw concrete!” – comes from the tongue twister “Raw Barley, Raw Rice, Raw Eggs.”

 Ten-Ten-Tenko no Tenki Yohou
 Ten-Ten-Tenko’s Weather Forecast
編曲/Arranger: yohine
ボーカル/Vocal: 詩音
原曲/Original Song: 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven
サークル/Circle: Innocent Key
アルバム/Album: 東方楼蘭
エベント/Event: C75


Gensoukyou’s weather today is a maiden’s heart and fall weather!



当たるも八卦、当たらぬも八卦 天子の天気予報だよ!

Whether I get it right or I get it wrong it’s still all according to
 8-sided divination, it’s Tenko’s Weather Forecast!
The shrine’s going to have an extremely personal downpour, and
 The magic forest for some reason or another’s getting a lot of snow!

地震雷火事親父 大雨洪水波浪注意報

Earthquakes! Lightning Strikes! Fires! My dad!
 Torrential rains! Floods! Watch out for the waves!
Snow and Hail are coming down hard!


【Nagae Iku】
“There’s something wrong with that last bit!”


If my peach hair decorations are soft, (Peachy-Peachy!)
Tomorrow’s weather will probably be clear ♪ (Hou~Hou?)


If there are split ends in unripe shining darkness, (Cuticle!)
Tomorrow’s weather will probably have hail ♪

適当じゃ予報できないわ だから
全身で感じ取れ 明日を見るのよ!(てんてん天気はどうかしら~?)

I can’t do a proper forecast so
If I just feel it with my body, I can see tomorrow! (What will the Wea-Wea-Weather be?)

外れても ご愛嬌だわ でも 少しだけ滲めだわ~
予報は確率よね♪ 99%でもね~!(はい 自己弁護)

Even if I’m wrong, I’m just trying to do my best, and I’m only off a little bit~
The probability of my successful forecast is 99%! (Well, In my own defense…)


(Mun-Mun / Mon-Mon)
(Eh-hehe / Oh-hoho)

「といいますか皆さん 私 テンコじゃなくてテンシですから!」

“By the way, Everyone, My name’s not Tenko, it’s Tenshi!!”
“Let’s treat the weather well okay? We’re close to the deadline after all!!”

空から何かが降ってくる 隕石惑星コロニー落とし!?
私のドリルでクルルンルン 何があってもお茶の子さいさい!

Something’s falling from the sky, A meteorite planet colony!?
With my drill, Kururunrun! No matter what comes it’ll be a cinch!
“You’re using the drill as a stepping stone?”
I really don’t understand what’s happening but I’ll protect Gensoukyou!


【Nagae Iku】
“Do the forecast properly!!”


If my peach hair decorations start to go sour (Sour!!)
The next season will probably be the rainy one ♪ (Humid! Humid!)


If the number of shrine maiden armpit exposures increase, (Doki-doki! Waku-waku!)
The next season will probably be summer ♪ (Of course~!)

真剣に明日を占えば 何故かね
裏目にでちゃうよ でも 気にしないのよ(考えたってしょうがな~い)

If I seriously try to forecast tomorrow, for some reason
It usually backfires, but I don’t mind (Even if you think about it, there’s not much you can do)

自然が 妬ましいなら そう 私がやればいいのよ
神社に天変地異 標高一万メートルよ♪

I’m envious of nature, but well, as long as I do it it’ll be fine
Cataclysm at the shrine! Elevation 10,000 meters!


【Nagae Iku】
“Wait, that’s not weather!”

冥界の白玉楼に このドリルで攻め込むわ!

I’ll burst into the underworld Hakugyokurou with my drill!
If I shoot my laser all over the place the weather won’t really matter! (ww)


【Nagae Iku】
“Calm down and behave will you?!”

当たるも八卦、当たらぬも八卦 天子の何でも報だよ!
神社は遥か雲の上 魔法の森は水没よ!

Whether I get it right or I get it wrong it’s still all according to
 8-sided divination, it’s Tenko’s Weather Forecast!
The shrine’s going to be far above the clouds, and
 The magic forest is going to sink beneath the sea!


“I know I’ve said this dozens of times already, but”
“You know, my name is not Tenko, but Te・n・shi! Ok! Nice to meet you!?”

女心と秋の空 生麦生米生コンクリート
ビールもアッチも生がいいよね! そろそろやろうか天気予報!

A maiden’s heart and fall weather, raw barley, raw rice, raw concrete!
Both beer and that is good fresh too! I guess I should do the weather forecast soon!

「えー 明日の天気は月の都で晴れのちアナハイム」

“Eh, Tomorrow’s weather at the capital of the moon will be clear then Anaheim.”
“Here in Gensoukyou it’ll vary place to place by the hourly spell cards that’ll bring blood rain.”


【Nagae Iku】
“Uwah.. That last one sounded on the dot.”

Sweet Duet (Eila+Sanya’s Theme)

Yes, I am an Eila x Sanya Supporter, and I’m proud of it. :D
I hope Alter continues their Strike Witches series, and that Eila makes it on the list, because I’d scramble to get Eila (like Sanya) and I’d definitely get Barkhorn too… I just hope I’ll have money for them when they come out if they do…

When I translated this, I was listening to the “(New Version)” on the Strike Witches 2 Soundtrack that played in episode 6 (the best episode ever! >.>) – but I don’t think the lyrics are any different from the original track on Eila and Sanya’s Character Album.

If you’re curious, here’s who sings each line (because I didn’t want to color code it [yet]):
s=Sanya, e=Eila, t=EilaxSanya
eess est tttt / ssee set tttt / esest tttt

I’ll do my best to keep that feeling in the translation.

“showering starlight”: more like the starlight cheering them on, but that sounds odd in English.

And yeah, you’re right – at the very latest, I should have done this song 6 weeks ago….

Sweet Duet
作詩:三浦誠司 Miura Seiji
   Sanya V. Litvyak (Kadowaki Mai)
   Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen (Oohashi Ayumu)

未来まで続いてるレールの先 かすんでく
誘導灯遮って 迷わすプリズム
頼りないアンテナじゃ 出口も見つけられない
清寂に 暗闇に 飲み込まれそうなの

The railway leading off into our future is misted over
Diverting the guide lights in a misleading prism..
Unable to rely on my antenna, I can’t find a way out!
I feel like I’ll be swallowed by this darkness and silence

不安と勇気 お互いに伝え合いたいよ

Your trembling fingers
I’ll grasp with mine
I want us to share our anxieties and courage together!

あなたの歌に わたしのハーモニー重ねて
夜にはぐれないように 導いて
何千マイルの旅も平気 ふたりなら
どこまでも響かせて Sweet Duet

I’ll add my harmony to your songs, and
Guide you all through the night, so you’ll never be lost
Even if we journey for thousands of miles, everything will be fine as long as we’re together
Our Sweet Duet will sound out over the distance, however far..

びしょ濡れで凍えてる体を 包んでくれる
温かい毛布みたい その両手が好き
背中ごし呼吸する はかなさが 愛おしさが

I loved it when you would embrace me, drenched and freezing
With both of your arms around me like a warm blanket
When I feel your breath behind my back, its faintness, its love
Brings a strength out in me I could never manage alone

スターライトの喝采に 笑顔で応えよう

With nothing but stardust..
Watching over us – It’s show time!
Let’s answer that showering starlight with a smile!

あなたのメロディー わたしにリズムに合わせて
夜のベール 溶かしてゆきたい
寂しさなんて忘れそうだね ふたりなら
いつまでも一緒だよ My Dear

Let me match your melody with my rhythm, and
We’ll melt together into the night’s veil
I feel like I can forget what loneliness is, as long as I’m together with you
And we’ll be together forever, My Dear

まだめくらないでね 秘密のままでいい
眠れば夢の中にほら 舞台(ステージ)

My tarot cards that can divine our fates..
Let’s not turn them over yet, I’m fine with staying a secret
In times we’re hurt,
We’ll just carry the pain together
When we sleep, in our dreams there’s a stage…

あなたの歌に わたしのハーモニー重ねて
夜にはぐれないように 導いて
何千マイルの旅も平気 ふたりなら
どこまでも響かせて Sweet Duet

I’ll add my harmony to your songs, and
Guide you all through the night, so you’ll never be lost
Even if we journey for thousands of miles, everything will be fine as long as we’re together
Our Sweet Duet will sound out over the distance, however far..