Posts Tagged ‘ Sekkenya ’

東方妖々夢 ~the maximum moving about~

This just makes me want to play 12.3 and pwn with Youmu.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to go back to some old Sekkenya for a while. As always it tends to defy English-ification, but I try. At any rate I think crafting a short story out of this song would be a good writing exercise :D I see demon blades and peasant girls and colorful bloodshed and cold flashes of steel and a phantasmagorical afterlife – you?

I really think I need to practice writing poetry and short stories of my own, hopefully it’d have a good influence on my translations – What do you think?

Either way I’m planning on participating in this years JLPP Translating Competition and also in NaNoWriMo. :3

“Each Painting over Each other’s Flowing Mistakes” all I can imagine is “blood being used to paint over blood.”
“the One that will Kill her Hesitation” the word used is the same word used for a “Suicide Assistant” who would behead Samurai set to commit seppuku when they were unable to kill themselves.
As usual, I have to insert pronouns because there really are none – but with Youmu in mind we get ‘her’ and ‘she’.


東方妖々夢 ~the maximum moving about~
 Touhou Youyoumu
原曲 東方妖々夢~Ancient Temple|東方妖々夢
石鹸屋/東方不可拘束 ~the maximum moving about~
Event: Reitaisai 3

堅く 鋭く 妖しく 眩く 光放つ
冷たく 輝く 白い刃

Releasing Hard, Sharp, Bewitching, Blinding Light
A White Blade Flickers Coldly

誰が 誰もが 掴めば その手を血に染めて
悲しく 空しく 己を消した

Anyone, Anyone who Grasps that Blade will Stain their Hands with Blood and
Tragically, Emptily, Erase Themselves

それは 不器用で 一途な想いが成れの果て
それは 不器用な たった一つの誓い

That is, the Result of a Blind and Stumbling Love
That is, a Single Stumbling Vow

たとえ この身が 誰かの刃になろうと
たとえ この身が 命を奪えど
たとえ この身が 全てのモノを切り裂けど
この身 全てが 一振りの鋼

Even if this Body were to Become Another’s Blade
Even if this Body were to Take a Life
Even if this Body were to Slice and Shred Everything
All of Me would Be a Single Slash of Steel

強い 有り様 求めて 誰もが手を伸ばし
流れた 過ち 塗り潰して

Seeking Strength, Everyone Reached out Their Hands
Each Painting over Each other’s Flowing Mistakes

弱い 自分を 分からず 振り回し切り捨て
断たれる 命は 死に切れないで

Not Knowing her Weakness, she Sliced and Cut at all in her way
But when Cut Down herself, she Could Not Reach Death

いずれ 辿り着く 迷いが果てに連なる道
いずれ 巡り合う 迷いを断つ介錯

One Day she will Reach the Road Running at the End of Hesitation
One Day she will Meet the One that will Kill her Hesitation

せめて この手が 誰かの最期となるなら
せめて この手が 願いを掴めば
せめて この手が 砕けぬ刃になれれば
この手 一念 迷い解き放て

At Least if this Hand is to be Someone’s End
At Least if this Hand may Take Hold of one’s Wish
At Least if this Hand may be an Unbreakable Blade
This Hand will In an Instant Release itself from Hesitation

夢は 願いは 全てを鋼に刻んだ
深く 欠けない 曇り無き刃
いつか この身が 誰かを守る力なら
この身 一念 一振りの刃

With Dreams, Wishes, Everything, Engraved in Steel
A Deep, Flawless, Cloudless Blade
If this Body were to Become a Strength to Protect
I would Be a Determined Slash of a Blade

誰が 願いか
誰が 望みか
誰が 終わりか
誰が 生き様

For Someone’s Wishes?
For Someone’s Dreams?
For Someone’s End?
For Someone’s Existence

東方萃夢想 ~End of Strong~ / ~Saigetu~

Requested by: Athena Glory / Makoto Sawatari

It’s always hard to tackle the “essence” of Sekkenya, but I try.

[2011/06/21 Update: Added the stanza that only appears in the ~Saigetu~ version; it is in blue]

The last line: 萃う夢を想う is 萃夢想 – ie. Suimusou. “Wondering over gathering dreams”


東方萃夢想 ~end of strong~
東方萃夢想 ~saigetu~
 Touhou Suimusou
Album: 東方不可拘束~the maximum moving about!~
Event: Reitaisai 3

人の忘れた歴史に されど人は知る
記憶の奥底にある 刻まれた咎の跡
弱き心の傍らに 潜み続ける
目には見えない恐れに 人は鬼の名を知る

It is of a history long forgotten by humans, but yet they know
In the depths of their memories, there lie traces of guilt
By the side of the weak of heart, it lies lurking
In fear of that which they cannot see, they know the name of an oni

ただ強く在り 故に遠く在り

So strong, and for that – distant
Feeling the transience of the world humans live in
One strong, feared by the rest
Left behind only a name

人は及ばぬ強さに 勝る事は無く
人は届かぬ力に 恐れを抱き震える
いずれ人は知恵を持ち 強き者を討つ
弱き者は奪われず 人は咎を刻んだ

Against such a strength they could not grasp, they could never win
Against such a power they could not reach, they could only shake in fear
But one day the humans with their wisdom, took down the strong
The weak were no longer swept away, and so the humans set their guilt

恐れる者を 届かない者を
弱き者が過つ業 果てに袂分かつ

Of ones they are afraid, of ones they cannot reach
Humans burn away in fear
The weak ones, their deed done in error, created a rift from the others

ただ強く在り 人に遠く在り
力強き曲がらぬ者 擦れ違い去り行く

So strong, and distant from the others
Feeling the transience of the world humans live in
There was one strong, powerful and unbending who when set against them, left

砕け散った 年月が重ねた想いを
萃めて 握り締めても 零れ 崩れて
それでも 束の間の夢を ただ強く握り締めて

Even if you gather up all the shattered emotions built up over the years
As you grasp them in your hands, they crumble and spill over
But even so, we still hold on tightly, strongly to our fleeting dreams

時は流れて 長い時を経て
人よ心偽るなら 傍に鬼は潜む

Time flows, and yes a great time passes
But even upon the present, such without form
Human, if you lie in your heart, beside you the oni will lie

ただ強く在り 故に遠く在り
人が恐れた強き者 鬼の名だけ残す
今は遠く在り 故に届かない
恐れ敬う強き名を 鬼と喩え謳う

So strong, and for that – distant
Feeling the transience of the world humans live in
There was one strong, feared by the rest left behind only a name
Now so distant, and for that – unreachable
Standing at the end she looks upon the people
Who in fear and respect of her strong name, sing in metaphors, in honor of the oni

されど人は忘れ 今に鬼は消えて
だけど人は恐れ 今に鬼は潜む

But yet they forget, and so now the oni disappears
But then they fear, and now again the oni lurks
She will never disappear, she will never die
She will never end, she will never wither
And as the long night dawns
She wonders over the many gathering dreams

フィルム・エンド // Film End

^Zuta/Yoshioka Yoshiko’s got some pretty cool ink illustrations don’t you think? [pixiv]

Requested by Athena Glory

I couldn’t really get exactly what 右倣う (literally “imitate the right”) was, so I went along with context – it ended up somewhere around “go with the flow”.

By the way, the image in the lyrics booklet for this song is one of Aya kicking Momiji and saying “Hurry up and smile!!”

 Film End
Event: C74

ほら 今 泣き笑い汚されてゆきなさい  永遠にしてさしあげましょう

Come now and cry and smile through the tears that stain your face – I’ll give you forever

無策に 世に浸かるが極意  すなわち 右倣うは合理
何 という憎み難き世界  私が傍にいるわ

There is great meaning in simply immersing yourself in the world – life without a plan
 In other words it is reason enough to do what you feel
What a wonderful world so hard to hate – I am right here.

挙げ句に 世に染みるが悪意  思うに 露払いは摂理
すべからく 鴉色の世界  お好きに消費なさい

In the end, what stains the world is ill intention
 and just so, sweeping away the dew is providence
This world in raven colors, as it should be, exhaust yourself as you will

ほら 今 泣き笑い汚されてゆきなさい  永遠にしてさしあげましょう
ここは重力さえ私の掌で踊る 愛してる  この身 滅ぶまでは

Come now and cry and smile through the tears that stain your face – I’ll give you forever
Until this form I love, for which even gravity dances at my hand, crumbles

一途に 願う果ては失意  自然にそびえる不条理
況や 分け隔てぬ世界  私が渇く間なく

At the end of all desperate wishes is despair, a naturally towering irrationality
I need not say, in this indiscriminate world, it is before long that I thirst

一フレーム分にも満たぬ性の情動  一つ残さず さあ 向けなさい
悲しむことも 憤ることも無用なの  全てを晒して召されなさい
ほら 今 泣き笑い汚されてゆきなさい  永遠にしてさしあげましょう
ここは重力さえ私の掌で踊る 愛してる  この身 滅ぶまでは

This emotion unfulfilled in a single frame – Now look here and leave nothing behind
There is no use in being either sad or angry, just expose everything to me
Come now and cry and smile through the tears that stain your face – I’ll give you forever
Until this form I love, for which even gravity dances at my hand, crumbles

無策に 世に浸かるが極意  すなわち 右倣うは合理

There is great meaning in simply immersing yourself in the world – life without a plan
 In other words it is reason enough to do what you feel

seach&caved-見敵必掘- // Search & Caved -Kentekihikkutsu-

Requested by: AthenaGlory/Makoto Sawatari

If you are interested in the meme, the etymology of the phrase “caved!!!!” can be found here: [TH-wiki-link]

Would have gotten to this three days ago but I got caught up in graduation celebrations and packing.

The misprint in the title is intentional, it’s how the song title is printed on the CD.

Original Version came out C69 on 石鹸屋のお歳暮 before ACE became the group’s vocalist, so the song is sung by Shuuzou/Syuzo, but at concerts (Flowering Night for example) ACE sings as well.

 Search & Caved -Kentekihikkutsu-
 Search & Caved -Caved On Sight-
歌:秀三 (+ACE)
Circle: 石鹸屋
Album: 石鹸屋のお歳暮3
Event: C73

永き歴史の傍らで 始まり終わり重ねて
遥か遠い昔 から 人の為に search&caved!!!!

Nagaki rekishi no katawara de hajimari owari kasanete
Haruka tooi mukashi kara hito no tame ni search and caved!!!!

At ancient history’s side, she overlaps beginnings and endings
From the distant past, for humans’ sake – Search and Caved!!!!

人が暮らす里 繰り返す日々の横に
人と変わらない姿 だけど人と違う者
人よりも永く生きて 永い時間を見続け
幻想の残る場所で 大切に書き残した

Hito ga kurasu sato kurikaesu hibi no yoko ni
Hito to kawaranai sugata dakedo hito to chigau mono
Hito yori mo nakaku ikite nagai jikan wo mitsudzuke
Gensou no nokoru basho de taisetu ni kakinokoshita

In the village where humans live, beside ever repeating days
With figure no different from a human, and yet inhuman
Living longer than a human, keeping watch over lasting time
In this place left with illusions, she carefully keeps record

儚く巡り続けていく 花の様に 千代に連なる 歴史の山

Hakanaku meguritsudzuketeiku hana no you ni chiyo ni kasanaru rekishi no yama

Like a flower, each phase cycling in no time at all,
 the mountain’s history crosses thousands of generations

終わる歴史を見届けて 生まれ繰り返し巡り
名残る時間さえ 歴史の一部

Owaru rekishi wo mitodokete umare kurikaeshi meguri
Nanokoru jikan sae rekishi no ichibu

Watching each history end and new birth come
Ages with names are but a part of all history

永き歴史の傍らで 始まり終わり重ねて
遥か遠い昔 から 人の為に search&caved!!!!

Nagaki rekishi no katawara de hajimari owari kasanete
Haruka tooi mukashi kara hito no tame ni search and caved!!!!

At ancient history’s side, she overlaps beginnings and endings
From the distant past, for humans’ sake – Search and Caved!!!!

caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!!
caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!!

人を護る為 歴史を操り隠す
人とは違う力で 人を護る為だけに
満月の夜にだけは 歴史全てを操り
暗闇に映る影は 紅い眼(まなこ)した獣

Hito wo mamoru tame rekishi wo ayatsuri kakusu
Hito to wa chigau chikara de hito wo mamoru tame dake ni
Mangetsu no yoru ni dake wa rekishi subete wo ayatsuri
Kurayami ni utsuru kage wa akai manako shita kemono

To protect the humans she hides history away
With this inhuman power, all to protect them
Then just on nights of the full moon, she commands all history
The shadows flickering in the darkness are her, a red-eyed beast

人を襲う与太郎共に断罪の角 消せない悪夢の 過去を刻め

Hito wo osou yotaroudomo ni danzai no tsuno kesenai akumu no kako wo kizame

Fools who come to attack the humans receive these horns of judgment,
 engraving a past of unerasable nightmares

妖怪の血を持ちながら 人を護る変わり者
人を襲うなら お仕置きの角

Youkai no chi wo mochinagara hito wo mamoru kawarimono
Hito wo osou nara oshioki no tsuno

This strange protector of humans with the blood of a youkai
If you attack them, you’ll get her horn

永き歴史の傍らで 始まり終わり重ねて
遥か遠い昔 から 人の為に search&caved!!!!

Nagaki rekishi no katawara de hajimari owari kasanete
Haruka tooi mukashi kara hito no tame ni search and caved!!!!

At ancient history’s side, she overlaps beginnings and endings
From the distant past, for humans’ sake – Search and Caved!!!!

caved is done when relaxing one’s guard


さっきゅんライト // Sakkyun Lite


Flowering Night 2011. That is all. If you didn’t see Sekken-ya, be sure to catch the DVD.

Shousha (瀟洒) means “elegant” but it’s written 瀟酒 with 酒 the kanji for sake/alcohol. “Elegant Sake” or as I like to think, “Sakuya-Like Sake” ie. Sakkyun Lite. It’ll stay untranslated.

Yumemaboroshikarakuri no kijutsushi (夢幻空繰の奇術師): Dreams and Illusions (also same pronunciation as infinite), empty/space control (same pronunciation as “trick”) wielder of strange technique.

 Sakkyun Lite
Circle: 石鹸屋
Album: 石鹸屋のお歳暮2
Event: C71

瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒! 瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!
瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒! 瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!

Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! = Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!
Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! = Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!

夢幻空繰の奇術師 操り人形を 手繰る指先
喜劇悲劇道化師の戯れ 紅く幻く夜空に咲いて
進んで巻き戻して留まって 鏡合わせ時計は逆廻り
夜を閉じ込めて月を咲かせて 完全な夜空踊りましょう さぁ!

Yumemaboroshikarakuri no kijutsushi ayatsuriningyou wo takuru yubisaki
Kigekihigekidoukeshi no tawamure akaku maboroshiku yozora ni saite
Susunde makimodoshite tamatte kagamiawase dokei wa gyakumawari
Yoru wo tojikomete tsuki wo sakasete kanzen na yozora odorimashou saa!

An infinite-illusionary-dream-space-manipulating trickster plays marionettes at her fingertips
A comedic-tragic fool’s play, blossoming scarlet phantasmagorically in the night sky
Play it, rewind it, stop: the clock in the mirror spins backwards
Close away night and let the moon blossom, let’s dance away under this perfect night sky!

造花を敷きつめたお花畑 ハリボテの舞台にはお似合いね

Zouka wo shikitsumeta ohanabatake haribote no butai ni wa oniai ne

Artificial flowers spread all about in a flower field isn’t this papier-mâché stage fitting?


Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!

夢幻空繰の奇術師 操り人形を 手繰る指先
喜劇悲劇道化師の戯れ 紅く幻く夜空に咲いて
進んで巻き戻して留まって 鏡合わせ時計は逆廻り
夜を閉じ込めて月を咲かせて 完全な夜空踊りましょう さぁ!

Yumemaboroshikarakuri no kijutsushi ayatsuriningyou wo takuru yubisaki
Kigekihigekidoukeshi no tawamure akaku maboroshiku yozora ni saite
Susunde makimodoshite tamatte kagamiawase tokei wa gyakumawari
Yoru wo tojikomete tsuki wo sakasete kanzen na yozora odorimashou saa!

An infinite-illusionary-dream-space-manipulating trickster plays marionettes at her fingertips
A comedic-tragic fool’s play, blossoming scarlet phantasmagorically in the night sky
Play it, rewind it, stop: the clock in the mirror spins backwards
Close away night and let the moon blossom, let’s dance away under this perfect night sky!

クルリクルリ括りつけて クルリクルリ狂い出す歯車
咲いて咲いて切り裂かれて 刺して咲かせて最後にサヨナラ
クルリクルリ括りつけて クルリクルリ狂い出す歯車
咲いて咲いて切り裂かれて 刺して咲かせて最後にサヨナラ
クルリクルリ括りつけて クルリクルリ狂い出す歯車
咲いて咲いて切り裂かれて 刺して咲かせて最後にサヨナラ
クルリクルリ括りつけて クルリクルリ狂い出す歯車
咲いて咲いて切り裂かれて 刺して咲かせて最後にサヨナラ

HEY! Maido-chou!
Kururikururi-kukuritsukete kururikururi kuruidasu haguruma
HEY! Maido-chou!
Saite saite kirisakarete sashite sakasete saigo ni sayonara (x4)

HEY! Head maid!
Round and round winding it all together, round and round spinning gears run crazy
HEY! Head maid!
Blossoming, blossoming, ripped to pieces, pierce and make blossom in a final farewell (x4)

閉じ込められたのは 本当はだれ
夜から出れなくて 出たくなくて
夜を真っ赤に染めて 銀のナイフ

Tojikomerareta no wa hontou wa dare
Yoru kara derenakute detakunakute
Yoru wo makka ni somete gin no naifu
Yoru wo tozashita mama no tsukidokei

Who really was locked away?
Unable to leave the night, but never wanting to leave
Paint the night scarlet with silver knives
The night locked away by lunar dial

瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒! 瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!
瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒! 瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!

Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! = Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!
Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! = Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!

夢幻空繰の奇術師 操り人形を 手繰る指先
喜劇悲劇道化師の戯れ 紅く幻く夜空に咲いて
進んで巻き戻して留まって 鏡合わせ時計は逆廻り
夜を閉じ込めて月を咲かせて 完全な夜空踊りましょう さぁ!

Yumemaboroshikarakuri no kijutsushi ayatsuriningyou wo takuru yubisaki
Kigekihigekidoukeshi no tawamure akaku maboroshiku yozora ni saite
Susunde makimodoshite tamatte kagamiawase tokei wa gyakumawari
Yoru wo tojikomete tsuki wo sakasete kanzen na yozora odorimashou saa!

An infinite-illusionary-dream-space-manipulating trickster plays marionettes at her fingertips
A comedic-tragic fool’s play, blossoming scarlet phantasmagorically in the night sky
Play it, rewind it, stop: the clock in the mirror spins backwards
Close away night and let the moon blossom, let’s dance away under this perfect night sky!

瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒! 瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!
瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒! 瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!瀟酒!

Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! = Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!
Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! = Shousha! Shousha! Shousha! Shousha!