Posts Tagged ‘ C73 ’

ヤクプリ // Yakupuri

Congratulations on Hina for making it to Round 2 by the way in Seimoe.

Sekkenya/Zekkenya songs spin me around from time to time…

Anyway, thoughts are welcome :3

I’ve been out for a week because I’ve been studying for the JLPT N1, which I took a few days ago (and I think there’s a good chance I passed \o/) and then right after I got back I had to move to another room…, maybe I’ll take pictures of my new living space when it’s well, functional.

Also, since I have 35+ requests currently outstanding, I will not accept any new requests at least until the new year (except preemptive requests for C81 songs). Depending on how much I can do it might be longer, or I might have to limit requests in some other way ^^; (I can only do so much…)

Oh, if you’re feeling in the holiday giving mood – Donate! >:D (you can do so on this lonely and forgotten page, via paypal) [link]

Yakupuri=Yaku+Puri=Misfortune+Print=The print of the Yaku symbol on Hina’s skirt.

Was the 15th Emperor of Japan, first of the Tumulus Period (meaning they made lots of Tombs) and one of the first emperors that historians think actually existed. [ja-wiki]

As for the “that would shock even Homudawake” might refer to the fact that he had dozens of consorts and children, but probably has more to do with the fact that he was later enshrined and worshipped as 八幡神 (Yahata no Kami/Hachiman-Jin) a warrior diety. (Yahata/Hachiman=Eight/Many flags). [ja-wiki]. You could say that a warrior emperor/god who has been around all sorts wouldn’t ordinarily be shocked at the behavior of lower classes or warriors or death or what have you. Anyway, it’s just a guess.

放生会 (Houjoue) is the ceremonial release of wild captive animals (it is meant to show respect for life, not like the European practice of the running of the hounds and whatnot). It is a ceremony that started at the main Hachiman shrine (Usa) – I translated it as “catch and release” which isn’t really sufficient, but I’ve got to keep those lines from getting too long. I can only think that it has something to do with making up for all the death a warrior must cause. Anyway this event originally originated from a tale of one of the Sakyamuni Buddha’s former lives (Rusui) in which he saved the fish from a parched lake and set them adrift in a stream. – It’s a long shot, but you can tie this to 流し雛 (Nagashibina) which is tied to Kagiyama Hina’s origins. Nagashibina (which also shows up in the song translated as “cursed dolls”) is an event that you tie the misfortune, ills, or sins to dolls and set them afloat on a river stream. So, you see the similarities between letting captive animals free to atone for other deaths you’ve caused, and setting your sins on dolls to free yourself. Right?

The sexual references/mild-innuendo, “It may hurt at first”, “look (at me) with clinging eyes”, and the fact that “embrace” 抱く is often used as a synonym for sex, points also to the cult practice of raping young girls to remove ones sins. It’s one of those things that is kind of like oba-sute in that we’re not sure to what extent it might have actually been done, but it’s a hot topic in plots from time to time (see Mirai Nikki, and I’m sure some H-products use that plot). Anyway, it’s related to the above. Sort of.

“Even if we change into Yahata-no-kami, it’s only in part!” Wakemitama is the splitting of a god’s spirit across many shrines. Yahata-no-Kami/Hachiman-Jin is probably the most enshrined Shinto/Buddhist diety in all of Japan, so this makes a lot of sense, sort of. – Anyway, it’s also possible to interpret the line as “even if (something) changes into Yahata no Kami, it’ll only be a part” as in, even if he appears, we don’t need to worry… or something – but right after the spinning/mixing line, there’s not much weight to that interpretation.

“I’m sure I’m the only one who would embrace someone like you
So vulgar that even Homudawake would be shocked
I’m sure I’m the only one who would find someone lost like you
Wonderful and with such an exalted status”
^I hated having to switch the lines on this (1234->2143) but it just wouldn’t work otherwise D: Oh well. I’m sure the “wonderful and with such an exalted status” is supposed to be ironic, but I’m just not exactly sure how… Maybe it’s just poking at “high-class” individuals most often being truly the most lowly of us all.

“with an existence so mean” mean as in: “base, vile, poor, low, stingy, sordid”, but also as in “small”

In Japanese “exiled” is “punishment by flowing”, which is like floating down the river – ie. Nagashibina. Anyway.

 Misfortune Print
Dry Eye Party (C73)

あるいは悲劇なのかしら それとも喜劇なのかしら
温(ぬく)い世界に捨てられた あなたが出会うのが私
もっとこっちに来なさいな 縋(すが)る目をして来なさいな
はじめは痛むかもだけど 悪いようにはさせないわ ほうら

arui wa higeki nano kashira sore tomo kigeki nano kashira
nukui sekai ni suterareta anata ga deau no ga watashi
motto kocchi ni kinasai na sugaru me wo shite kinasai na~
hajime wa itamu ka mo dakedo warui you ni wa sasenai wa houra

I wonder if you would call this a tragedy or a comedy –
That it was I who met you, outcast in this lukewarm world?
Come closer.. look here with your clinging eyes and come to me~
It may hurt at first, but I won’t let anything bad happen – Alright?

鏡写しの放生会(ほうじょうえ) 夜通し続く放生会
あなたが望む私なら 「カカカ」とだって笑えるわ
もっとこっちに来なさいな 縋(すが)る目をして来なさいな
手と手をとってクルクルと 回りましょう ほうら

kagamiutsushi no houjoue yodooshitsudzuku houjoue
anata ga nozomu watashi nara “kakaka” to datte waraeru wa
motto kocchi ni kinasai na sugaru me wo shite kinasai na~
te to te wo totte kururkuru to mawarimashou houra

It’s catch-and-release on the other side of the mirror, all through the night.
If you wish me to, I’ll even laugh with a cackle – “kakaka”
Come here.. look here with your clinging eyes and come to me~
Take my hand and we’ll spin round and round and round – Like this!


     yahatayahata baketemo wakemitama

     Even if we change into Yahata-no-kami, it’s only in part!

  癒し抱いてやれるのは きっと 私だけ
  探し出してやれるのは きっと 私だけなの

  homudawake mo akireru hodo no hizoku na anata wo
  iyashidaiteyareru no wa kitto watashi dake
  hito no mi ni wa sugita mibun no suteki na anata wo
  sagashidashiteyareru no wa kitto watashi dake na no

  I’m sure I’m the only one who would embrace someone like you
  So vulgar that even Homudawake would be shocked
  I’m sure I’m the only one who would find someone lost like you
  Wonderful and with such an exalted status…

水に還るは流し雛 まるで流刑(るけい)ね流し雛
私が望むあなたなら 果たして生まれ変われるの?
もっとこっちに来なさいな 縋(すが)る目をして来なさいな
手と手をとってトクトクと 混ざりましょう ほうら

mizu ni kaeru wa nagashibina marude rukei ne nagashibina
watashi ga nozomu anata nara hatashite umarekawareru no?
motto kocchi ni kinasai na sugaru me wo shite kinasai na
te to te wo totte tokutoku to mazarimashou houra

Cursed dolls return to the water; it’s just as if they’ve been exiled.
If I wished you to, could you be reborn?
Come here.. look here with your clinging eyes and come to me~
Take my hand and we’ll mix together with proud looks on our faces – Like this!


     yahatayahata baketemo wakemitama

     Even if we change into Yahata-no-kami, it’s only in part!

  癒し抱いてやれるのは きっと 私だけ
  庇い 包みこめるのは きっと 私だけなの

  homudawake mo akireru hodo no hizoku na anata wo
  iyashidaiteyareru no wa kitto watashi dake
  ushiro yubi wo sasareru hodo waishou na anata wo
  kabai tsutsumikomeru no wa kitto watashi dake nano

  I’m sure I’m the only one who would embrace someone like you
  So vulgar that even Homudawake would be shocked
  I’m sure I’m the only one who would take and protect someone like you
  With an existence so mean that everyone talks behind your back

もっとこっちに来なさいな 縋(すが)る目をして来なさいな
最後に涙を一粒 流しましょう ほうら

motto kocchi ni kinasai na sugaru me wo shite kinasai na
saigo ni namida wo hitotsubu nagashimashou houra

Come closer.. look here with your clinging eyes and come to me~
And in the end let flow a single tear – just like that.


     yahatayahata baketemo wakemitama

     Even if we change into Yahata-no-kami, it’s only in part!

  癒し抱いてやれるのは きっと 私だけ
  探し出してやれるのは きっと 私だけなの

  homudawake mo akireru hodo no hizoku na anata wo
  iyashidaiteyareru no wa kitto watashi dake
  hito no mi ni wa sugita mibun no suteki na anata wo
  sagashidashiteyareru no wa kitto watashi dake na no

  I’m sure I’m the only one who would embrace someone like you
  So vulgar that even Homudawake would be shocked
  I’m sure I’m the only one who would find someone lost like you
  Wonderful and with such an exalted status…

EX妖魔疾走【百鬼夜行の大行進】 // EX Youma Shissou [Kyakki Yakou no Daikoushin]

^Damn I love brutal Rumia.

One of my favorites – How can’t you love the awesome bass and the whining electric guitar!? – REALLY EARLY SEKKENYA.

EX妖魔疾走【百鬼夜行の大行進】 is the vocal version of 妖魔疾走 [妖怪は16Beatを採用しました] from Sekkenya’s 東方弾打團~feast of roaring beast~ (C68) [This is before they got ACE].

いったらっしゃいませ! – is more like “Come back next time!” but I felt like putting it from the youkai’s point of view.

石鹸屋 / 石鹸屋のお歳暮 (C69) [Re-Released 石鹸屋のお歳暮3 (C73)]

闇に生きる ヒトに非(あ)らぬモノよ
眠りの夜 密かに目を覚ます

O inhuman beings who live in darkness!
Now in this night with all gone to bed, you in secret open your eyes

さぁ飛び立て 夜に生きる者よ
月は高く 夜の産声 謳って

Now come take flight, all those who live the night!
The moon is high, singing the night’s birth cries

声を張り上げて 月に手をかざし 謳え 終わらない宴を
夜を駆け抜けて 月明かりの空の下 踊ろう

Raise your voice, lift your hands to the moon and sing for a festival that will not end!
Race through the night under the moonlight sky and dance!

人は眠る 明ける夜を待って
暗い闇に 飲み込まれないよう

Humans sleep, waiting for the break of dawn
So they are not swallowed in the deep darkness

刻、あやかし 月と闇の海へ
照らし浮かぶ 摩訶不思議の紅い笑顔

Time, Ayakashi all toward the sea of darkness and moon
Cast a shining floating unsettling crimson smile

朝焼け忘れて 明日を忘れて 続け 妖怪だけの夜
誰も邪魔させない 誰の邪魔も無い 夜と 幻想の世界を

Forget the sunrise! Forget tomorrow! Continue on! A night just for Youkai!
No one will bother us! There is nothing to disturb the night and this world of illusion!

声を張り上げて 月に手をかざし 謳え 終わらない宴を
宵の霞月(かすみづき) 闇を抱き締めて 踊れ

Raise your voice, lift your hands to the moon and sing for a festival that will not end!
Embrace the darkness, the midnight hazy moon and dance!

やがて明ける夜 晴れる空の色 目覚め 夜の終わりが来る
夜明けを背中に あくる夜の夢 願い 夜のモノは眠る

Finally it begins to break; the colors of clear sky begin to wake; the end of the night is coming
The dawn at their backs, the things of the night sleep, wishing for dreams of the next night

夜明けは 溶け出し 消え行く まぼろし
明日へ 巡る 朝へ

The breaking night melts away and disappears, a phantom
Turning toward tomorrow, toward morning


We’ll be Back!!

seach&caved-見敵必掘- // Search & Caved -Kentekihikkutsu-

Requested by: AthenaGlory/Makoto Sawatari

If you are interested in the meme, the etymology of the phrase “caved!!!!” can be found here: [TH-wiki-link]

Would have gotten to this three days ago but I got caught up in graduation celebrations and packing.

The misprint in the title is intentional, it’s how the song title is printed on the CD.

Original Version came out C69 on 石鹸屋のお歳暮 before ACE became the group’s vocalist, so the song is sung by Shuuzou/Syuzo, but at concerts (Flowering Night for example) ACE sings as well.

 Search & Caved -Kentekihikkutsu-
 Search & Caved -Caved On Sight-
歌:秀三 (+ACE)
Circle: 石鹸屋
Album: 石鹸屋のお歳暮3
Event: C73

永き歴史の傍らで 始まり終わり重ねて
遥か遠い昔 から 人の為に search&caved!!!!

Nagaki rekishi no katawara de hajimari owari kasanete
Haruka tooi mukashi kara hito no tame ni search and caved!!!!

At ancient history’s side, she overlaps beginnings and endings
From the distant past, for humans’ sake – Search and Caved!!!!

人が暮らす里 繰り返す日々の横に
人と変わらない姿 だけど人と違う者
人よりも永く生きて 永い時間を見続け
幻想の残る場所で 大切に書き残した

Hito ga kurasu sato kurikaesu hibi no yoko ni
Hito to kawaranai sugata dakedo hito to chigau mono
Hito yori mo nakaku ikite nagai jikan wo mitsudzuke
Gensou no nokoru basho de taisetu ni kakinokoshita

In the village where humans live, beside ever repeating days
With figure no different from a human, and yet inhuman
Living longer than a human, keeping watch over lasting time
In this place left with illusions, she carefully keeps record

儚く巡り続けていく 花の様に 千代に連なる 歴史の山

Hakanaku meguritsudzuketeiku hana no you ni chiyo ni kasanaru rekishi no yama

Like a flower, each phase cycling in no time at all,
 the mountain’s history crosses thousands of generations

終わる歴史を見届けて 生まれ繰り返し巡り
名残る時間さえ 歴史の一部

Owaru rekishi wo mitodokete umare kurikaeshi meguri
Nanokoru jikan sae rekishi no ichibu

Watching each history end and new birth come
Ages with names are but a part of all history

永き歴史の傍らで 始まり終わり重ねて
遥か遠い昔 から 人の為に search&caved!!!!

Nagaki rekishi no katawara de hajimari owari kasanete
Haruka tooi mukashi kara hito no tame ni search and caved!!!!

At ancient history’s side, she overlaps beginnings and endings
From the distant past, for humans’ sake – Search and Caved!!!!

caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!!
caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!! caved!!!!

人を護る為 歴史を操り隠す
人とは違う力で 人を護る為だけに
満月の夜にだけは 歴史全てを操り
暗闇に映る影は 紅い眼(まなこ)した獣

Hito wo mamoru tame rekishi wo ayatsuri kakusu
Hito to wa chigau chikara de hito wo mamoru tame dake ni
Mangetsu no yoru ni dake wa rekishi subete wo ayatsuri
Kurayami ni utsuru kage wa akai manako shita kemono

To protect the humans she hides history away
With this inhuman power, all to protect them
Then just on nights of the full moon, she commands all history
The shadows flickering in the darkness are her, a red-eyed beast

人を襲う与太郎共に断罪の角 消せない悪夢の 過去を刻め

Hito wo osou yotaroudomo ni danzai no tsuno kesenai akumu no kako wo kizame

Fools who come to attack the humans receive these horns of judgment,
 engraving a past of unerasable nightmares

妖怪の血を持ちながら 人を護る変わり者
人を襲うなら お仕置きの角

Youkai no chi wo mochinagara hito wo mamoru kawarimono
Hito wo osou nara oshioki no tsuno

This strange protector of humans with the blood of a youkai
If you attack them, you’ll get her horn

永き歴史の傍らで 始まり終わり重ねて
遥か遠い昔 から 人の為に search&caved!!!!

Nagaki rekishi no katawara de hajimari owari kasanete
Haruka tooi mukashi kara hito no tame ni search and caved!!!!

At ancient history’s side, she overlaps beginnings and endings
From the distant past, for humans’ sake – Search and Caved!!!!

caved is done when relaxing one’s guard



^I have a feeling there’s a lot of Nitori themed songs I have been wanting to do, but I can’t remember them… hrmm..

Requested by: Irgy

I’ll admit I’ve got a little subject confusion (Japanese lyrics don’t like to be explicit with subjects). Some parts feel like their talking to a “you”, but if I change the perspective there other things don’t make much sense, so I just kept it in first person.

 Wind Memories

翔け上がる風に あの時の記憶を感じた
真っ直ぐに見つめていた 気持ち抱きしめていた
心はいつでも 見えないもの信じてるから
迷ったり傷ついたり 立ち止まってしまうけれど

In the soaring, rising wind I felt the memories of that time
I embraced their emotion and stared straight ahead
Because my heart always believes in things I can’t see
Sometimes I’ll get lost or hurt or can’t go on, but

季節は巡り踊る 紅く変わる風の唄
涙はすぐに乾くよ きっと守り続ける

As the seasons come and go dancing, and the songs upon the wind turn crimson
My tears will dry up right away, and I’ll keep protecting what I believe in

遥かな虹の始まる場所を 目指してまた歩き出そう
挫けてしまいそうな時でも 口笛で答えながら
大地を唄う風の音符が踊る 君の先を照らすよ
今もここで待ち続ける いつか出会う時まで

Setting my sights on that distant place at the start of the rainbow I’ll walk ever on
Whenever I feel down, I’ll just whistle and in answer
The notes on the wind will dance and sing of the earth and light the way to you
Even now here I wait for the day we’ll meet again

溢れる君の 目を覚ます度の痛みは
破片しか見えない 君だけに解ける暗号なんだ

I can’t see but a fragment of the overflowing pain you face
Every time you wake; it’s a code only you can decipher

季節は巡り踊る 紅く変わる風の唄
涙はすぐに乾くよ ずっと守り続ける

As the seasons come and go dancing and the songs upon the wind turn crimson
My tears will dry up right away, and I’ll keep protecting what I believe in

遥かな虹の始まる場所を 目指してまた歩き出そう
挫けてしまいそうな時でも 口笛で答えながら
大地を唄う風の音符が踊る 星の夜を照らすよ
今も信じて翔け続ける いつか出会う場所へと

Setting my sights on that distant place at the start of the rainbow I’ll walk ever on
Whenever I feel down, I’ll just whistle and in answer
The notes on the wind will dance and sing of the earth and light the starry sky
Even now here I wait for the day we’ll meet again

舞い上がる 君の手を 握りながら
時の先で 揺れる 幻想へ渡る虹の先へ・・・

Dancing, holding your hand
Over the rainbow crossing over the fantasy swaying in time…

遥かな虹の始まる場所を 目指してまた歩き出そう
挫けてしまいそうな時でも 口笛で答えながら
大地を唄う風の音符が踊る 君の先を照らすよ
今もここで待ち続ける いつか出会う時まで

Setting my sights on that distant place at the start of the rainbow I’ll walk ever on
Whenever I feel down, I’ll just whistle and in answer
The notes on the wind will dance and sing of the earth and light the way to you
Even now here I wait for the day we’ll meet again

遥かな虹の始まる場所を 目指してまた歩き出そう
挫けてしまいそうな時でも 口笛で答えながら
大地を唄う風の音符が踊る 星の夜を照らすよ
今も信じて翔け続ける いつか出会う場所へと

Setting my sights on that distant place at the start of the rainbow I’ll walk ever on
Whenever I feel down, I’ll just whistle and in answer
The notes on the wind will dance and sing of the earth and light the starry sky
Even now here I wait for the day we’ll meet again

遥かな虹の始まる場所を 目指してまた歩き出そう
挫けてしまいそうな時でも 口笛で答えながら
大地を唄う風の音符が踊る 君の先を照らすよ
今もここで待ち続ける いつか出会う時まで

Setting my sights on that distant place at the start of the rainbow I’ll walk ever on
Whenever I feel down, I’ll just whistle and in answer
The notes on the wind will dance and sing of the earth and light the way to you
Even now here I wait for the day we’ll meet again

シアワセうさぎ // Shiawase Usagi

^Now of course that’s just what Tewi wants us to think she’s like.

I forgot how time-consuming color-coding lyrics was… D: But I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while. … The table entry for this is going to be huge isn’t it… D:

Because I went through the trouble of differentiating between each version, I thought I’d put up YT-Links this time around… The one I usually listen to is the Sekkenya for lols, but the original’s good too :D

Original: [YT-Link]
Reverse/Rehash: [YT-Link]
Sekkenya Version: [YT-Link]

I can’t guarantee the lyrics for the random sounds for the second fast-talking portion of [逆/再] or [[石鹸屋]] at the same part. The end part of [[石鹸屋]]’s was easy, but most of the beginning of each line doesn’t really make sense, and alot of the words there aren’t really words… etc. My ears can only do so much.

“No Problemo!!” – it was in fake-Cantonese, I figure fake-Spanish is a good equivalent.

I figured you could figure this out on your own, but just in case:

Lyrics Legend:
☆Tewi (Amane’s Part in the Original)
★Reisen (Beat Mario’s Part in the Original)
★[] Part in brackets is Reisen and comes first.
★__[] Part in brackets is Reisen and is delayed.
Part only sung in the Original (The fast talking broadcasts)
[Part only in the Reverse/Rehash version]
[[Part only in the Sekkenya version]]

シアワセうさぎ [逆/再] [[石鹸屋]]
 Shiawase Usagi [Gyaku/Sai] [[Sekkenya]]
 Happy Bunny! [Reverse/Rehash] [[Sekkenya]]
原曲:東方永夜抄/シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome
   [東方ボーカルコレクションII スーパーあまねりお]
   [[紅楼朱夢 SCARLET DREAM]]
   [Reitaisai 4]
   [[Reitaisai 5]]

★[素直に..]あなたの紅い瞳が 私を
★[自分を..]捕らえて離さないのは 内緒よ
★[見つめて..]どうして どうして 不思議

★[Just..] Your crimson eyes have captured me,
★[Look..] They won’t let me go – but that’s a secret!
★[At me..] Why? Why? It’s so strange..
&I’ve never felt this way about someone before…

 私達の長生きのポイントは 食う寝る遊ぶ頑張らない(イーネ♪)


One of the reasons we live so long is because
 all we do is eat, sleep and play! (Pretty nice huh?)
We don’t work! We don’t study! We’ve done nothing
 since we came to earth a thousand years ago! (YaY!)
Finally we were able to escape! But still, here I’ve got to
 undergo testing everyday with the master..
But even though the suppositories hurt, it’s no problem!! (No Problemo!!)
Gensoukyou really is pretty boring though…




Yeah… sorry, I can’t remember what I supposed to say here..

Just make something up…


☆遊びに誘っても生返事 今日も上の空なの どうして?
★不安な気持ちを 吐き出せばいい 大丈夫さ

☆Whenever I ask you to play with me, you give a half-hearted answer
  Today, you weren’t even paying attention to me, what’s wrong?

★I really should just spit out all my anxieties, then I’d be fine..

☆私を 一人にさせないで

☆Don’t leave me alone..
★ I’ll never leave you alone!


&My pranks are always filled with love!
☆この目をずっと見ていてほしいから ね♪

☆I want you to look at me with those eyes forever, ok?
★ Forever…

★[素直に..]あなたをシアワセにしたい でもでも
★[自分を..]あなたを怒らせちゃうよ なぜなぜ [/なぜなら]
★[見つめて..]キライキライ Loving 好きは
&言わない 言葉にしないけど

★[Just..] I want to make you happy, but.. but..
★[Look..] I always end up making you angry! Why? Why?
★[At me..] This hate-hate-loving-love
&I just can’t say it, I just can’t put it into words..
☆So won’t you understand?

★[気ままに..]意地悪したくなるのは なんでだろ [/なぜだろう]
★[遠くへ..]どうして どうして 不思議

★[It’s selfish,] I know I’m bothering you, but
★[But I want to] Why do I still want to tease you so much?
★[Take this further] Why? Why? It’s so strange..
&I’ve never felt this way about someone before…



Finally, finally it’s here! Even though this is our second broadcast I’m really not trying,
All I do is watch TV, play games, and roll about on the ground basking in nothingness! (YaY!)
Alright, it about time for my medicine.. Just take it already!
Huh? There something different about.. wha? Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha!?
That prankster white rabbit!




Da-dan-da-dan something-something-something-something!
La-da-da~… Right I’ve got nothing else on me so… PE**S!!
PE**S!! PE**S!! PE**S!! PE**S!! Yeah!
Woo! PE**S!!
BANZAI! BANZAI! Peni- Wait!!


あの、…どうにかと言うと、FLOWERING NIGHT 2008で
THANK YOU感謝を歌うことになっちゃた習俗なんですけど


Uh, well anyway – I suppose you want to know why we’re doing this?
Well at Flowering Night 2008 we said we were going to sing “Thank You 感謝”
But that would have just been boring so, I was like why don’t we do “HAPPY!”
So we did… but you know, I’d much rather sing with someone else in the
 middle of this heat and all, like Shameimaru or so-
Hey! Calm down why don’t you! Give me a break! Ah! now he’s angry!


☆なにか話そうとはするけれど あなたの姿を見て隠れて
★素直な気持ちを ぶつければいい 大丈夫さ

☆I’ll try to say something to you, but I end up just hiding and watching you
★I really should just say my true feelings, then I’d be fine

☆元通り 仲直りできるかな?

☆I wonder if we’ll be able to make up…
★ We’ll be able to make up!


&I wish she’d understand my feelings!

☆思うだけなら 悪くはないよね

☆Just thinking about it isn’t bad is it?
★ Just thinking about it…

☆誰かをシアワセにしてあげるよ [*声アウト*]
☆あなたにシアワセいっぱい あげるよ [*笑*]
☆嬉しい 楽しい 大好き [*声イン*]
&全部 全部 こんなに胸がすっきり (う~っ HAPPY!!)

☆I’m going to make someone happy! [*Here the singing cuts out..*]
☆I’ll fill you up with happiness! [*Laughing and muttering…*]
☆Happiness, Joy, and Love! [*Singing comes back in…*]
&Everything, everything I’ve never felt this way before! (uuu!!! HAPPY!!)

★[このまま..]あなたが困ると知っていたけど [*声アウト*]
★[二人は..]意地悪したくなるから しちゃおう
★[明日も..]わがまま 気ままな そんな
&私と これからも仲良くしてくれるよね [*声イン*]

★[I hope] I know I’m bothering you, but [*Singing drops off again*]
★[We can stay] Why do I still want to tease you so much?
★[Like this forever] Why? Why? It’s so strange..
&We’ll be friends forever right!? [*Singing comes back in*]

★yeah… lalala… [[/ならば]] 素直に 素直に dancing shaking your hand [[//USA!]]
★素直に 素直に 素直に… [[//皆、皆、大好きなラリルレ秀三!]]

★yeah… lalala… honestly, honestly.. dancing shaking your hand! [[//dancing USA!!]]
★honestly, honestly, honestly… [[Everyone, everyone loves Shuuzou!!]]

[lalala… シアワセさきたい、サムライうさぎ]

[lalala… I want to make your happiness blossom, Samurai Bunny!]


[[By the way, I’m I the only one that heard him say “USA”?]]

&私と これからも仲良くしてくれるよね

&We’ll be friends forever right!?



Haha… sorry about that last bit.. well it’s over anyway…
Thanks everyone for the happiness and stuff… thanks…



[[Die, Shuuzou, Die!!]]