Archive for July 11th, 2010

彩祭雷禮 / SaisaiRairai


EastNewSound likes doing festival songs, and they’re good notes to end on. With this song translated I’ve completed my second full EastNewSound album, Scattered Destiny :D Two left to go!!

おばけ – in the “target practice” part can be a ghost, goblin, appartion, youkai, etc – or fairy, like Cirno. lol. but that would be more おばか than おばけ
“red up to her ears!” I’d like to think she’s drunk. :P Though of course she would be red and white all over anyway.
The shrine maiden is Reimu, the witch is Marisa.
⑨ is pronounced Maru-Kyuu and refers to (Baka-)Cirno.
The kitten is chen, the rabbit is first tewi then reisen, the fox is Ran (who like all kitsune/nine-tails has an addition to fried tofu).
The three sisters are the Prismrivers, the oni is Suika, the firefly is Wriggle Nightbug, and the largest parasol is Yukari’s
It’s funny that there’s a lot of characters from 7 and 8, but hardly any (except the singer) from 10

 Colorful Festival, Rite of Thunder
Arranger: Izu
Lyric: くまりす
Vocal: ぴーちこ
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Scattered Destiny
Event: Reitaisai 6


Shining brightly the sun goes back over the mountains!
Now’s the time you can walk around without a parasol!

あしぶみならして じんじゃにむかう
あいつはいつでも さわがしいから

Stamp out a beat with your feet and head towards the shrine!
The one over there is always loud and noisy!

どんどどんと きこえてくる おまつりはじまりね
カラメル焼ける匂い さぁ!

Don-do-Don! I can hear it! The festival is starting!
I can smell the roasting caramel!!

かえるに 目配せ しゃてきでねらう
りんごを 落として おばけに投げる

Winking at a frog I decide on a little target practice,
I pick an apple and throw it through a ghost!

どんどどんと 叩く巫女は 耳までまっかっか
金魚もった 魔法の肩に ⑨

Don-do-Don! The shrine maiden beating the drums is red up to her ears!
There’s ⑨ on the shoulder of a witch holding a goldfish!

猫が盗ったたこやき 頬張るうさぎ
あぶらあげ横取り さわぎだした狐

A kitten steals some takoyaki, a bunny stuffs her cheeks,
And making quite a fuss a fox swipes something from the frying pan

鬼の持つ焼きそば 震える三つ子

Three sisters shake the oni’s yakisoba,
And everyone dances to the doll’s song

ほたるにもらった わっかを投げて
狙うは 一番 大きな日傘
どんどどんと 叩く巫女が 裾踏んで すっころげ
しんとなって わらいだした みんな

I throw a ring I got from a firefly
Aiming for the largest parasol!
Don-do-Don! The shrine maiden trips on her hem and falls flat on her face!
There was dead silence, and then everyone laughed!

訪れた静寂 集まる人が
燃え上がる炎を 静かに見守って
酌み交わすお酒に 舌鼓打ち
口ずさむ音色を 加え朱舞う

A silence visits as everyone gathered
Watches quietly over the burning flame.
We pass the sake around and smack our lips,
Someone hums a tune and soon again we dance!

夜霧に満月 蒼く微笑み
祭りの終わりを やさしく告げる

The full moon in the nightly mist smiles serenely
To tell us kindly of the festival’s end

どんどどんと叩き疲れ 大の字で眠る巫女
酒瓶を枕にして ⑨眠る

Don-do-Don! The tired shrine maiden collapses spread-eagled and sleeps..
Using the sake bottle as a pillow, so does ⑨

チビチビ酌する ウサギ尻目に
おおきなイビキに タオル押し込み
毛布持ってそっと掛ける おやすみ

Throwing a glance at the rabbit pouring the last drops of sake
I shove a towel in the mouth of a loud snorer
Don-do-Don! The half-asleep shrine maiden shows her armpits beating on the wall
So I carry a blanket and gently toss it over her – Good night

人形よ問うコトなかれ / Ningyou yo Tou Koto Nakare

Hahaha…. you know – the prince is black because he’s a dried up corpse that looks like a raisin now. o.o; Did I just creep you out a little? Good. >:D

 Ningyou yo Tou Koto Nakare
 Doll, You Should not Ask Questions
Arranger: raku
Lyric: cao
Vocal: リツカ
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Scattered Destiny
Event: Reitaisai 6


I want to lick your left finger…
As always, we make believe:
Come, once you’ve changed,
Let us play, my prince~

Living dead Doll

Living dead doll,
Continually intertwined in ecstacy,
Black Prince,
In your castle, aren’t you all alone?


I want to nibble on your right ear…
As always, we play our games:
You believe my sweet
Whispered fairy-tales

Living dead Doll

Living dead doll,
Manipulated marionette,
Black Prince,
In your castle, aren’t you all alone?


Sweet sweet raisin,
I’ll attach a red rose;
Then let us dance –
The party has only just begun

Let us play, my prince~

Living dead Doll

Living dead doll,
At the end of this impulse of deep despair,
Black Prince,
In your castle, aren’t you all alone?

Living dead Doll

Living dead doll,
At you seven colored maidens laugh,
Black Prince,
Don’t you know, alone in the castle you are dead?

蒼影 ~ Ancient Unicorn ~ / Soukei ~ Ancient Unicorn ~

Though this song is the ending theme to Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, which would usually imply Remila or a cast of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, this song seems to be entirely about Reimu. That’s why I put a Reimu picture up top.

If you want my personal opinion this is what happens to Reimu when she becomes the 14th doctor!! (Those who get the reference, thank you… thank you…) Perhaps what would happen if Reimu turned serious as the years piled on her (though I don’t see her aging much) and fell into despair as she turned into evil Reimu (possibly what happened to her relatives?) This reminds me of the mysterious beautiful shrine maiden that apparently kills according to Hourai Dolls……. Anyway, think what you may :)

The song is very pretty, and I like the Crimson Tower/Eastern Dream (紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream)

蒼影 ~ Ancient Unicorn ~
 Soukei ~ Ancient Unicorn ~
 Blue Landscape ~ Ancient Unicorn ~
Arranger: 黒鳥
Lyric: くまりす
Vocal: 前菜
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Scattered Destiny
Event: Reitaisai 6


Against a blue landscape that resembles the sorrowful songs of love the moon composes,
There is an ancient shrine maiden who grieves over the ineraseable blame that ritual cannot purge.
She uses seals made in the name of atonement over built up unhealable darkness and
Charms of proud isolation that even while she dances will pierce a shaking arm.

幾度も重ねてく 人ならざる業
落ちぬ涙に浮かぶ 泥の船
神をも仇となし 穢れた身で撃つ

Endlessly it compounds, a karma unbefitting of humans;
She floats in tears that will not fall, a ship made of mud.
Even the gods cannot rival the polluted body with which she attacks;
Even in her paper scraps are engraved the echos of her laments.


Against a blue landscape that resembles the sorrowful songs of love the moon composes,
There is an ancient shrine maiden who grieves over the ineraseable blame that ritual cannot purge.


In her arms she grips a seal for the wicked which have fallen, and
Acknowledges with her brush that even if she releases it the sin in the sky will increase unspent

月が笑う喜劇 神に牙向く巫女
黄泉に見放され行き場を無くし 独り幻想を舞う

The moon laughs at the comedy: the shrine maiden bears her fangs towards the gods,
She is shown hell, and which all places to go now gone, she alone dances in an illusion.

^Not sure of the artist on this one.

幻奏幻花、届かずの音色 Gensou-Genka, Todokazu no Neiro

I really do like Youmu, a lot. – In the beginning, she caused me a lot of pain (I could hardly ever get past her T^T) but since then I’ve grown to love her :D – To be fair, I think Ancient Temple’s a better theme though – but this arrangement pulls Till When? off :)

Shout it out 斬奸そう振り翳せ絶望を
^ A more full translation would be “Shout it out”, with cunning (bordering on wicked/evil) lethal strikes I wave (my sword) over-head (to slice apart) my despair. <- this might help you form the image a little better ^_^

^ Literally "A certain tree is just like me" but of course this is referring to the Ayakashi, so I figured I'd make it more concrete – if you don't know what the Ayakashi is, Touhou Wiki :)

 Gensou-Genka, Todokazu no Neiro
 Illusionary Music and Phantasmagoric Flowers, A Tone that will never Reach its Audience
Arranger: Crouka
Lyric: いずみん/したらば
Vocal: いずみん
Circle: EastNewSound
Album: Scattered Destiny
Event: Reitaisai 6

切っ先の露は 頬を伝う
ループ Till when? そう 解らないから

No matter how many seasons pass
I shall wield my blade for your sake
The dew upon the its tip touches my cheek
Till when does this loop continue? I do not know.


A single flower's fragment alights on my hand;
I gather more, stare at them and when they dry I throw them away.
For as long as I wander never defeated or severed
What then is?

待てど咲かない "Till when?"

Though I wait for them, they will never blossom – "Till when?"
The more I wish for it the more
The season pulls further away —
I lose sight of spring.

歌えど届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I sing for it, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
Till when I can reach it with my own hands
The seasons continue to cycle and wander —
I lose sight of spring.

飛ばせ弾幕を 絶てよ杞憂を
Shout it out 斬奸そう振り翳せ絶望を

Let fly thousands of shots to sever my absurd anxieties
Shout it out – with cunning strikes I slice apart my despair

穿て心の臓 止ませ Distortion
輪廻 Till when? そう 解らないから

I'll pierce my heart and stop the distortion
Till when does this reincarnation continue? I do not know.

奔れ Battle field 躱す兇弾を
一閃兇刃 Buster 生還か消失か

I sprint over the battlefield parrying assassins' shots
The assassins' buster blades flash, will I come back alive or perish?

尊厳を散らし 存在を吼える

Scattering all majesty and sanctity I howl and scream out my existence!


What would you do if you saw this beast that I am?!

どう思うの "Till when?"

What do you think? – "Till when?"
For all eternity never blossoming
The Ayakashi is just like me
Searching for spring.

想えど届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I wish for it, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
Till when I can reach it with my own hands
The seasons continue to cycle and wander —
And I continue to search for spring.

奏でど届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I play for it music, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
Till when I can reach it with my own hands
The seasons continue to cycle and wander —
And I continue to search for spring.

泣けども届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I cry for it, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
Till when I can reach it with my own hands
The seasons continue to cycle and wander —
And I continue to search for spring.

叫べど届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I scream for it, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
Till when I can reach it with my own hands
The seasons continue to cycle and wander —
And I continue to search for spring.

喚けど届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I howl for it, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
Till when I can reach it with my own hands
The seasons continue to cycle and wander —
And I continue to search for spring.

想えど届かぬ "Till when?"

Though I wish for it, I will never reach it – "Till when?"
One day the sakura will blossom,
Playing music, harmonizing by my side
So I continue to search for spring.