華胥の夢 // Kasho no Yume

It’s finally here! :D
This song is meant to take place from Shanghai’s point of view.

The song’s chorus takes the same notes (but faster and higher) from their 蓮華の夢 which is an arrangement of 感情摩天楼~Cosmic Mind. Or.. at least it just seems that way to me :o

 Kasho no Yume
 Dreaming of Paradise
Circle: Buta-Otome
Album: 縁
Event: C79

ゆらゆらゆれる向こうに あなたの笑顔が消えてった
呼びながら手を伸ばして 目覚めた自分に怯え泣いていた
笑顔を取り戻さなきゃ 芽生えた命を預かって
呼吸は出来ないけれど 私の心があるうちに

Behind the swinging pendulum, your smile faded away
Calling out to you, reaching out to you, I awoke scared and crying
I’ve got to take back that smile! I’ll keep safe this life born within me
I can’t breathe, while I still have this heart

夜がふわり 降りた 声が 響いた 胸 撃ち抜いて

Night lightly fell, and voices rang shooting through my chest

夢みたもの 行き着く先 どこでも
あなたといる わたしがいる それだけ

Whatever I’ve seen in dreams, wherever they lead
I’m here, together with you, and that’s all that matters
Laughing, walking, together forever..

裏切ることを知らない 瞳は七色に染まって
すべてを忘れた主の 機微に触れたいと願うけど

I could never think of betraying you, your eyes dyed in seven colors
My master who has forgotten everything.. though I wish I could know more of you

遙か遠く 失くしたもの 見つけて 脳 突き抜けて

Far far away, finding things that are lost, piercing the brain

何処にもない 描いた夢 探して
あなたは今 泣いているの 教えて

I’m searching for a fabricated dream that would never be
Tell me now why you’re crying..
I continue down the road holding onto these emotions

心無くし 生きたままで 死んでも
わたしはほら 永遠に そばに いるから
夢みたもの 行き着く先 どこでも
あなたといる わたしがいる それだけ

Even if I were to lose this heart, alive but dead
That way, see? I would be beside you forever
Whatever I’ve seen in dreams, wherever they lead
I’m here, together with you, and that’s all that matters
Laughing, walking, together forever..

    • TasteTea
    • January 3rd, 2011

    Yes! This is probably my favorite out this album! Also if you wouldn’t mind, a request for 愛き夜道 from [魂音泉] Chill★Now. After I heard Ranko with Uten-Kekkoh, I melted.D:

    • Sure, ^^ I’ll add it to my list of things to do, but I’ve planned on “freezing” requests for the first week of the year while I try to cover all the C79 stuff I want to cover, and I haven’t got the lyrics for that album yet – so it may be a few days before I translate it, but I will ^_^.

        • TasteTea
        • January 3rd, 2011

        Alright, thanks!

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