Archive for 2009

Comiket/Japanese Comic Market 77 and Touhou

^Winner of the best album art award! (Well if it’s only me deciding, I’m not sure if it’s much of an award).

(Last Update: 2010/01/02 1:42AM)

^Translated Touhou M-1 Youtube embed courtesy of Velichi :D


Sacred Factor – EastNewSound Touhou Arrange CD
I’m still waiting for a chance to listen. But I’m excited.

Knights of Round III – Knights of Round Touhou Arrange CD
Still waiting….

Sphere Caliber – Alice’s Emotion. Touhou UFO (th12) Arranged CD
Absolutely amazing, REDALiCE doesn’t disappoint, just as good or better than Colors! :D I might have to break my general rule for not translating without lyrics and try to transcribe some of them :). Favorite Tracks: pectacle, PsychoSniper, Eden, Ghostly Parapara Ship (Hardcore Mix), Law Field, and Searching For… Nazrin and Kogasa Tatara are the mascots for this album.

東方JeuXinTerdiTs – IOSYS/Minami Solo Arranged Touhou CD
JeuXinTerdiTs is French for Forbidden Games. Amazing Speed/Metal-Guitar Arrangements (Knights of Round grade or better), and the best guitar Flandre’s theme I’ve ever heard. Favorite Tracks: All of them, but especially Jeux Interdits, and Homicide Moon. Flandre is of course the mascot for this album.

Plastik World – Alstroemeria Records. Touhou Arranged CD+Originals
Alstroemeria with classic Touhou Tracks as always, it’s great and very Alstroemeria. I like it more than the most recent CD, The Brilliant Flowers. :D. Favorite Tracks: Plain Asia, Saigetsu, Plastik World, Twilight Tea Room. Keine and Ex-Keine are the mascots for this album.

想 ~OMOI~ – Sound Holic Touhou Immaterial and Missing Power/Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (th7.5/10.5) Arranged Album
I was wondering when they were going to put out a full vocal arrangement for the fighting games! Finally here it is!! ヾ(゚ワ゚)ノ゛Mascots are Tenshi and Iku; WHERE’S MY SUIKA?! (ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻

Umineko No Naku Koro ni Chiru “Dawn of the Golden Witch” [Umineko #6]
I haven’t played it yet, but it’s Umineko, and Umineko is awesome.

Minamotrance Core Break!!
A good j-core mix album, Minamotoya is probably one of my favorite J-core mixers, next to Betwixt&Between, t+pazolite, umbrella, and REDALiCE. I strongly recommend it if you like J-core but aren’t fond of excess profanity and noise w/o melody.

曼衍珠汝華 ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika – Demetori Touhou Metal Arrange CD
Pretty good heavy metal (no vocals), I like: “彼岸帰航 ~ View of The River Styx”. Byakuren is the mascot.

Umineko Motion Graphic No. 6
You can find it [here] on YouTube; saying anymore about it would give potential spoilers. Watch it to get psyched about Umineko!, I believe the other 1-5 are on YouTube as well. Battler is the mascot fo.. oh wait – no, he’s just awesome.

Touhou Pianism I – SoundHolic Piano Series I (Subterranean Animism) Arranged CD
Subterranean Animism has some of my most favorite music; throw that into piano form and it’s great!. Favorite Tracks: “Popular Piano Arrangement feat. Violin 「廃獄ララバイ」 「死体旅行 ~ Be of good cheer!」”, “Popular Piano Arrangement 「暗闇の風穴」 「封じられた妖怪 ~ Lost Place」”, “Popular Piano Arrangement 「ラストリモート」 「ハルトマンの妖怪少女」” Satori is the mascot for this album.

Lotus – Sound.AVE Touhou UFO (th12) Arrange Album
There’s a couple of good tracks on here, some electronica mixed with some good instrumental pieces. The titular track is good, I have a thing for low-pitched vocals… Byakuren and Nue are the mascots for this album. Favorite Track: the Day of collapse.

Yellow Zebra’s 4th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix!
^w^ It’s funny as ever, but I think it’ll be a while before translations start floating around for it, so be patient – I’ll post if I start to see them.

Well, I’m still waiting on things, but I’ll make separate posts if I find them floating about later. Comiket is like a 12-day celebration of sorts – but if I stay in it full force I’ll become a Kaguya-NEET in no time.

Unfortunately the new Pizuya x MyonMyon album was a disappointment, ruining one of their best albums “Grimoire of Alice” with bad vocals. Some of the instrumentals had more flavor, so when the lyrics were in lull it sounded good, but no. No. No. Also, no new tracks, so there aren’t any new gems like “Clarity Green”.(2013-01-25) [I retract this statement.]

If you like piano, give Pizuya’s Cell’s (not Pizuya x MyonMyon) album a new try… it really doesn’t have much of Pizuya in it actually, it’s just his pianist Godwood or something. It’s pretty good. It’s the same sort of piano that comes in usually on the opening tracks of the Pizuya x Myon Myon albums, and it has a lot of “flavor” to it – you won’t mistake it for a midi->mp3 track. Anyway it has an interesting sound. I don’t know much about piano music genres, so I can’t say if it’s this or that.

Replacing Pizuya x Myon Myon; Demetori’s album is pretty good (though has a bit of a different sound), and the same goes for Blankfield/warinside’s album Fast Forward To End of East. I rate Demetori’s higher. Bridge of the Lotus, Dance of the Pundarka, and View of the River Styx are particularly good. The nuclear fusion’s rendition isn’t bad either. (for some reason Xenomorph just isn’t working for me).

So far for me, the best three albums overall are Plastik World, 想 -omoi-, and Sphere Caliber (If I could pick a fourth it’d probably be Demetori’s album). After a few good listens I’ll pick out a few of my favorite songs and translate the lyrics if there are any. Knights of Round III and Sacred Factor will probably two of those out of their places though. :3

Irabu and Trapeze

^Irabu Ichiro-sensei from Trapeze/Kuuchuu Buranko (空中ブランコ) ; Illustration by Keeggy, check her out – she’s awesome.

This is a dedication post to Trapeze. It is hands down the best “anime” of the winter season. I don’t watch many dramas, but I get the feeling that this show is more like a j-drama/comedy than anime. Oh it’s animated of course – well most of it, you’ll have to see for yourself, but it incorporates a mixture of photographic and animated faces etc. It’s clever and I believe it took up the same slot as Mononoke, which also has unusual animation, but of a vastly different type.

What’s it about? Well each episode is about one of Irabu’s patients, Irabu being a psychiatrist, director of a hospital/sub-director of the hospital branch. The entire series takes place in the same time frame, the week between December 16-December 24th, so you’ll see many of the patients of previous and later episodes in one. Now, an interesting concept perhaps, but why is it so awesome? Irabu is practically nuts; he has a fetish for injections, wears a large bear head, constantly shifts in age, and keeps everything around him psychedelic. All his co-workers/employees think he’s nuts, but well he’s well above them so they don’t say anything. Even so, Irabu cures every single one of his patients, and a real psychiatrist (Fukuiichi) pops in every now and then to remind you, while Irabu’s pretty odd, most of what he’s doing is actually what a psychiatrist should do to help a patient relieve the symptoms, and gives more information on this and that.

The situations are hilarious, most of the patients start turning into weird animals associated with their disorders, and above all it’s psychedelic! It’s one of the few series I cheered for and shouted and laughed aloud at this year, and I highly recommend it to anyone.


Occultic Witch (Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru OP [PC]) + Real Magic (Umineko Disscussion/Review)

You may not know this, but I’m a bit of a sucker for “magic that’s stretched to reality”. In other words, supernatural events that are presented as supernatural, but in the end they can be explained without the use of anything but what is strictly realistic. One reason I like this is because the magic involved can’t get out of hand – the failings of most series, novels, comics, etc. I think is when they start resurrecting people and destroying planets and… well you get the idea. If it has to be stretched to at least a seeming reality then it has to have severe limits. Still, the stories that are able to pull of the ridiculous and still stay in those bounds have my full respect. This is also the sort of “genre” I like to write in. (I’m not published and most of my larger works are unfinished and unshared, >.>).

There are a few series that take full advantage of this and sort of take it in essence: Mouryou no Hako, which grounds everything down, even when it starts to get a little ridiculous, and better yet it deals with spirits and demons and folklore tying even that to reality; The Illusionist (no, I’m not talking about the Prestige – though that was good too); a lot of elements in Nisiosin’s works follow this same sort of pattern (it’s hard for me to explain so I won’t), even if they go supernatural; but the pinnacle of this is found in Ryukishi07’s works Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, and Umineko no Naku Koro ni.

Even if Rika does, and she definitely does, have supernatural powers in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, each individual arc can be explained, by the end of it all, realistically. It’s especially amazing to watch the first arc, Onikakushi, (that I regard as the best arc, maybe tied with Meakashi…) after knowing what is going on, and seeing the truth beyond the narrators growing insanity. It’s the perfect unreliable narrative story. But you might say, “there’s no magic in Higurashi, so why is this an example?” Well it focuses around unexplained events and a “curse” – with most things “easily” explained only by supernatural events. Now I have a few things I don’t really like too much about Higurashi, especially the more fan/fanservice-focused aspects, but it has way too many good things going for it for me to dislike it ^_^.

What Higurashi doesn’t have, Umineko does. Umineko no Naku Koro ni is about witches, and it’s a closed island murder mystery to top it all off! At this point, not having delved into the Answer chapters (5+) yet, I’m not sure if there’s actually going to be magic, or if it’s just going to be limited magic, or if there’s going to be no magic at all. So far at least, Umineko seems to rely on the faith system for magic (see the original Final Fantasy Tactics ^_^) which I like: magic is only as effective as those involved having faith that it is and will work: Battler is able to get out of a variety of situations (barely), by denial; Maria’s creations can only stay as long as they are not rejected from existence, the Seven Sisters of Purgatory will only appear if they are believed in, and Beatrice’s spell fails continuously without Battler’s recognition. Yokuwakaru Gendaimahou actually dealt with this pretty well, with a character that completely didn’t believe in magic and was completely unaffected by it. There’s also the impermanence of magic’s effect on the real world. A perfect example of this is with young Beatrice and Virgilia (Beatrice then?). Beatrice breaks a vase, and Virgilia can restore it, but only if it is broken again right after; the only thing she’s able to do is move the blame from Beatrice to the cat. So far, Battler has been at least dubiously able to reject all the supernatural occurrences by the skin of his teeth, even when he’s performing them himself. It’s also very interesting to look at the individual powers of the witches. (Frederika) Bernkastel’s power deals with putting a “miracle” into action as long as it is possible. Lamdadelta’s power is simply the power to kill with certainty, Maria’s power is to create something out of nothing (think of it as an incredibly powerful imagination). I won’t spoil anything else ^_^;. A final interesting piece to this is the fact that that the entire scenario is compared to Schrödinger’s cat, with the continuous possibility of both reality and super-reality existing on the same plane. This is why I love it.

I love it so much I’m going to finally start playing the games – which will be a bit of a task, because it’s not exactly supposed to be easy reading, but I’ll get there – I’ve gotten to the state where I refuse to go off of fan-translations if I can help it.

As if this “article” wasn’t long enough; the translation post was delayed due to Christmas festivities, and I ended finishing the “Umineko no Naku Koro ni” anime in the meantime. So here’s a (short, plot-less/summary-less) review of the series. You can skip down to the song below if you’d like.

It’s been a sort of given thing with Expansion07 so far that if you’re going to watch/read it, expect bad animation/art – it’s low budget, and the selling point is the story and sound, not the visual aspects. The Higurashi anime was certainly like that, the animation was abysmal throughout the first season, and even simple things were off, eyes and faces and body proportions and… well, it was pretty bad. The second season (Higurashi Kai) was much improved, but still bad – and it was especially painful when they flashed back to scenes in the first season, where you were reminded that it was even worse back then. Now, for Umineko. The animation studio (Studio Deen) is the same, but the animation is much improved from Kai (meaning it’s much much better than Higurashi’s first season). It’s not really on par with the excellence that you see from other animation studios with large budgets etc, but it’s by no means painful. Maybe they had a higher budget, maybe the Studio Deen is just doing better in general (they’ve made quite a few things in between), but the animation no longer really hurts the series. There are moments when the animation goes weird, but those are usually during certain moments when it’s supposed to, perhaps at moments when you’re supposed to feel sick or deranged or something. That’s ok, it doesn’t happen often or out of place.

I love the story and concept (as mentioned above), and it’s skillful at steering you in the wrong direction, distracting you from important things; fooling you altogether. Points of the series are a bit confusing, and I figure it would make more sense in the visual novel, and there are also a few gaps that might or might not have been handled better, but it’s an anime from a visual novel that has a lot of plot. (For example, looking at the novelization, the first two arcs are 1160 JIS B6 pages of text and make 11 episodes. Similarly Bakemonogatari is 864 JIS B6 pages of text and makes 15 episodes. I picked Bakemonogatari to compare because Bakemonogatari is similarly complex and on the same size paper ^_^). So it has a bit of a plot follow issue for being condensed at parts, but it’s manageable – take notes!

Battler is great along with his Phoenix Wright pose, and the series has the “epic” moments that every mystery needs so you don’t end up bored. Even so, the anime doesn’t really wrap anything much up at the end, but it’s not supposed to, because it’s only the halfway point. I heard rumors that Umineko Chiru might not get picked up (at least not by Deen) because the DVD sales haven’t been that great – I hope that’s not the case – I want more, and I don’t like it much when animation studios switch in between series, look what it did to Minami-ke!

Overall, I love it, but it’s not something I’d recommend to everyone. I’d recommend you watch a bit, read a bit about it maybe (whilst avoiding spoilers) and then give it a try – if you don’t like it then it’s just not your thing. I think if you liked Higurashi there’s a better chance you’ll like Umineko, but it really is quite a bit different, so I can see some people liking Higurashi and not Umineko, and others liking Umineko but not Higurashi.

I’ve written enough – way too much actually. So I’m done.

Anyway, I got Umineko no Koro Ni ep. 4 and 5, 4 containing 1234, and 5 containing the first arc of the second half “Chiru” series. This song is the opening for episode 5, and it’s great. After hearing the first few notes in the original video, I was like O.O it’s Yuyuko’s theme!!! – It’s not. I suggest watching the opening video, maybe you’ll get hooked like me. Here’s a YouTube link for you: [link] – My eyes were like O.O the entire time.

“Illūmināte” is latin (masculine/vocative ie meireikei) for Illuminate, if you didn’t guess that already :) pretty much spelled the same, but pronounced differently.
“This omniscient power overthrows, isolates, and descends” rather than isolate, it’s more like tearing away from reality (in an intransitive sense).
“Occult” in English is an adjective, but 神秘 that roughly translates into occult stuff is a noun. I’ll be using “occultic/s” which is not a word, as a noun form of occult, due to its use in the title.
“それ”/”That” refers back to illumination: Illumination is that which causes you to see through everything, so cackle in that way → back in times when illumination and occultics were worshipped etc. etc.
福音(ふくいん) Fukuin is more commonly “gospel/evangelic” but it’s literally a “sound” of good fortune, with Christian overtones – as witches are often associated in Christianity as their antithesis, etc. etc, I figure that’s why the word was used, but I think it should remain as good fortune.

オカルティクスの魔女 (Occultic Witch)
PCゲーム「うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode 5」主題歌
(PC Game “Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru Episode 5” Main Theme Song)
作詞/作曲:志倉千代丸 編曲:上野浩司 歌:Ayumu
(Lyrics, Composition: Shikura Chiyomaru / Arrangement: Ueno Koushi / Vocals: Ayumu)

この世界に散らばる オーブ 視覚に届かぬ者
実体の無い 観測者 全知を満たす
繰り返すペンデュラム 僅か少しの不純動機
生命の樹の果実は 土に落ちた

Scattered throughout this world are “orbs”: imperceptible beings,
Observers with no true form, bringing with them omniscience.
The pendulum repeats with an impure motive, however slight,
The fruit from the tree of life fallen to the ground.

魔法のように 不自然で 狂気じみたこの儀式が
陣を描く筆先で 叶えるのなら 世界ごと否定する

If like magic, this unnatural ritual stained in insanity, comes to completion
Under the tip of this brush drawing a magic square, the world itself will be rejected.

イルミナート “それ”はまるで全てを 見透かす様に
不埒な力で 嘲笑い 至福に満たされ行く
イルミナート 錯乱する描写で “誇示”するほど
全知の力は 覆り剥がれ堕ちゆく

“Illūmināte!” Cackle in insolence, as if you’ve seen
Through everything, and head toward ecstasy!
“Illūmināte!” through deranged depictions put on ostentatious display,
This omniscient power overthrows, isolates, and descends
Towards “planned miracles”~!

閉ざされた神秘主義 そこに生まれた通過儀礼
憧れの魔女 合理的 幻術のタブー
蒼ざめた馬達が駆ける 偽典を許し給え
流麗な風 上位なる 喋々の舞

Sealed occult doctrine and the ritual etiquette birthed from it,
The beloved witch and the taboo of her rational enchantments.
As the faded horses gallop, yield to her fabricated rite!
In the beautiful flowing wind, spectacular butterflies dance.

魔法のように 目も眩む 悪夢に似た非日常が
杖の先の一振りで 操るのなら 未来ごと否定する

If like magic, this unnatural, dazzlingly nightmarish existence can be controlled
With a single swing from the tip of this staff, then the future itself will be rejected

イルミナート “それ”をかつて神秘と 崇めた頃
大いなる愛で包み込み 福音をもたらした
イルミナート 目に見えない“奇跡”が 不都合なら
いつかの鍵が 僕達を導いてゆく

“Illūmināte!” In the time “that” and former occultics were worshipped,
With great love embraced, and good fortune was brought about.
“Illūmināte!” these invisible miracles! If you have trouble
With them, then we will guide the key,
Towards “the theory of all things”~!

イルミナート “それ”はまるで全てを 見透かす様に
不埒な力で 嘲笑い 至福に満たされ行く
イルミナート 錯乱する描写で “誇示”するほど
全知の力は 覆り剥がれ堕ちゆく

“Illūmināte!” Cackle in insolence, as if you’ve seen
Through everything, and head toward ecstasy!
“Illūmināte!” through deranged depictions put on ostentatious display,
This omniscient power overthrows, isolates, and descends
Towards “planned miracles”~!


Towards “the zero miracle”~!

Koishi Get!!

^In Commemoration of Me unlocking Komeiji Koishi

Well in procrastinating as ever I played Touhou Subterranean Animism and Mountain of Faith-Extra Stage a lot this morning. I wasn’t able to beat Suwako yet, but I normal 1cc’d SA!!! and then afterwards finally beat Imperishable Night Normal 1cc for good measure. So that means I’ve unlocked Koishi!! I played the Extra Stage a few times and it’s still scary… Whereas I’m used to Mountain of Faith’s Extra Stage (I start Suwako with 5 lives, full power and don’t have trouble until about half way through), Sanae kicks my butt after her first spell card, and I can see how you get through Koishi’s first spell card, but I can only panic bomb my way through it, and after that I’m through. Subterranean’s a very very close second to my favorite Touhou game (I still put Embodiment of Scarlet Devil on top), so finally getting through it makes me feel awesome! \o/

As for Imperishable Night, I can get through Keine reasonably well, but Mokou’s firebird things are too big; I use up all my bombs before I know what’s going on… I should glance at a replay or two. I don’t really like IN that much, maybe it’s because I don’t feel like I’m having fun after Reisen shows up (When Tewi leaves the Party Stops!!), Reisen’s bothersome – Kaguya is not that fun and I don’t like her theme… Eirin’s better, but still :x.

So that means… I’ve beat: 4,6,7,8,10, and 11 – only 5 and 12 to go!~, well maybe I should include 2, but not having concentrate (slowing your movement) makes life difficult… I’ve beat 7.5, 10.5, and 12.3 as well but that’s a different category – and I’ll never beat 9.5…

In other news, I’m reading Mushishi again, and it’s great – it’s fun to read aloud, with all the dialect-ish stuff; I’m on volume 4 now, so not much longer before I get to the chapters that weren’t in the anime. Christmas is coming up, but I still have a couple of random songs queued up that I might finish posting before then, I’ve just been a bit lazy.

As Saya (冬休みの女王さま些夜 / Queen of Winter Break) says: 我が国にはクリスマスとお正月とたくさんの怠惰があるのよ!: My country is filled with Christmas, New Years, and lots of laziness!!.

As for Christmas – there’s a lot of last episodes coming out on Christmas. I want to have a review/dedication post to Trapeze, because of how awesome it’s been, probably to Darker than Black as well (I’ll miss you Suou!!), and Umineko (Maria!!!). If all goes well, I hope to get a good start on the Umineko visual novel before classes start again – if I get decent money for Christmas I’ll probably order the novelization and see how that’s like.Oh, and I’ll probably finish the FLCL novel on the bus ride home tomorrow, I’ll write a review after that, and post it here as well as the Ranobe Cafe.

I’ve been listening to all the Anime music I’ve collected recently, and it makes me want to watch a lot of shows again, translate a couple of old songs, so you might see some of that popping up. I want to finish developing other sections of my site as well, but I’m not sure really where to begin. Maybe I’ll pop open another one of my notebooks and start organizing notes on Japanese and the like. It would be nice if my Mahjong guide were a lot more intelligible too.

End of Random.

I would totally translate Sound Holic’s Highway to Heaven (Last Remote Arrangement) for this post if it wasn’t already in English orz. Anyway, I recommend it.

^In Commemoration of Me unlocking Fujiwara no Mokou

For Lovers not Fighters Lyrics

Finally getting to that “I’m going to translate the songs I haven’t yet for my 100 song playlist.” Anyway, I love Suika, and this is an arrangement of one of her themes.

I imagine Suika’s talking to herself – or to Reimu because I think Suika has an affinity for Reimu… or her liquor stash…

This song is from Trois Noir, by Alstroemeria Records, Released Comiket 75

自分 is a “pronoun-like word” that can refer to I, you, one, myself, yourself, oneself. I put it into second person because it fits best that way, and it sort of covers all three if you keep open the possibility that she may be talking to herself.
自分に勝てるものは 想いのある自分だけよ
“The only one that can win against yourself is yourself that has emotion.”
Defeating yourself/Winning against yourself generally means defeating the weakness inside of you.

For Lovers not Fighters
Compose: Masayoshi Minoshima
Lyrics: Haruka

壊れそうな想いも 足元見えなくても
立ちすくんでいたって 想いがほら時を作る
弱さは誰にもある 自分ひとりじゃないの
自分に勝てるものは 想いのある自分だけよ

You say your emotions are about to break; you can’t
Find your footing; you’re frozen stiffーbut your emotions will create time.
Everyone has weaknesses, you’re not alone.
The only way you can win against yourself is by having emotion.

ああ離れてゆく 想い数あるのだから
ああそこに居れた 自分感じて

Ah… We’re separating! Because of all this emotion,
Ah… You were able to make it there, so feel it!

It’s Magic.It’s Feeling. Walking for my life.

その気持ちを消せないなら 歩み続ければいい
なくすことを恐れないで 君らしくそのままで
その想いを消すのならば 少し休めばいいよ
また新たな時を作り 歩み始める日まで

If you can’t get rid of those feelings, just keep walking.
Don’t be afraid of loss, just stay the way you are!
If you erase those emotions, you should rest a while,
Until you make a new time, and start walking again!

戦いその日々でも 重なる想いがある
いつかは認めあえる そんな時を信じ続け
苦しくてつらい日も 一人きりじゃないから
自分に勝つのならば 想い強く持つ事だけ

Even through those days of strife, there are overlapping emotions;
Keep believing that sometime they will be acknowledged!
Even through days of pain and suffering, you aren’t alone, so
If you win against yourself, it means you’re holding onto strong emotion!

ああ崩れてゆく 夢も数あるのならば
ああ歩めるのは 自分の想い

Ah… It’s crumbling! If you have all these dreams,
Ah… What keeps you walking are your strong emotions!

It’s Magic.It’s Feeling. Walking for my life.

その気持ちを消せないなら 歩み続ければいい
なくすことを恐れないで 君らしくそのままで
その想いが大事ならば ずっと胸に残せばいいよ
また新たな時を作り 歩み始める日まで

If you can’t get rid of those feelings, just keep walking.
Don’t be afraid of loss, just stay the way you are.
If those emotions are precious, you should leave them in your heart,
Until you make a new time, and start walking again.

It’s Magic.It’s Feeling. Walking for my life.