Archive for August 16th, 2009

Comiket/Touhou 76

Tatara Kogasa (多々良小傘)

^She’s Still My Favorite out of Seirensen/UFO – by far ^^ (I wish I knew who drew this…)

This page is undergoing a rolling edit: last edit=17:23 2009/08/17

Things to Look Out For:

  • Touhou 12 星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
  • Touhou 12.3 非想天測 ~ Unthinkable Natural Law
  • [IOSYS] 東方年柄年中
  • [EastNewSound] Lucent Wish
  • [Alice’s Emotion] Colors
  • [Alstroemeria Records] Fragment Reactions
  • [すとらいぷぱたーん] Gungnir
  • [COOL&CREATE] 東方サマーフタリ
  • [黒夜葬] Catharsis
  • [石鹸屋] 東方Lv.20
  • [D.N.A. Software] 東方幻想麻雀 v2.0 (Touhou Mahjong 2.0!)
  • [WAVE] “Karanokyoukai” Imaged Sound Album VERIDICAL FACTOR

The amount of awesome-ness springing forth already is, just awesome:

EastNewSound’s just come out with a new CD: Lucent Dream – and one track into it you hear something surprising. A vocal version of Flowering Night, done right: “Black Lotus”. The rest of the disc is spectacular as well.

I’m in bliss, the Touhou remixes this Comiket seem to be focusing on my absolute favorite Touhou songs. I’m listening to REDALiCE/ALiCE’S EMOTION’s Colors CD and I think it’s one of his best yet to be honest. I’m going to have to get hardcopies of some of these discs….

Alstroemeria Record’s has come out with another great CD – including the tracks from their earlier single “Scarlet Fogbound” as well as some others – and an original. I recommend the original (also the titular track): “Fragment Reaction”, as well as “lure me to”.

The IOSYS CD is awesome. I’m running out of words to describe these CDs… – Well, we knew it was going to be awesome, and well – it’s just awesome… More title specific things once I get to translating…

Hardcore Syndrome 3 has some good tracks on it – though like the other two Hardcore Syndrome discs there are ~2-3 songs that just annoy me. – I’m also still waiting for the new IOSYS addition, though I’m sure I’ll love it :)

I have yet to see if there’s a new MyonxPizuya or Knights of Round (will the cover girl be Sanae or Sakuya? o.o; – I hope it’s one of them). Might buy the new DDBY cd – partially so I can very indirectly support Keeggy/Shikimi who did the cover art.

Touhou 12 (Unidentified Fantastic Object) is fun; I personally like 6/10?/11 better, but this game had a bit of a PC-9801 flavor to it and I really liked that. Byakuren Hidjiri (Stage 6 Boss) actually uses one of Shinki’s spellcards from Mystic Square. I really wanted to like Sanae – trust me, I did; but she doesn’t handle very well with the UFO system, so I dropped back to my old favorites – laser Marisa and needle Reimu. – (usually MarisaA/ReimuA) – I didn’t fall immediately in love with any of the songs, though I really like the 4th boss and stage 5 themes – there’s a good chance they’ll grow on me some more.

Touhou 12.3 (Unthinkable Natural Law) is also fun; it’s better than 10.5 mainly because the system is more of an extension – and characters like Utsuho!!!! and Cirno are playable. If you have 10.5 installed you have access to all the characters and stages you’ve unlocked which is cool. Like in 12 – Sanae’s weird to play as, so my favorite additions are those I just said :) – Suwako’s cool, but also – really really weird. The game’s growing on me, but I’m still more of a fan of Immaterial and Missing Power… though that’s more of a personal preference… Even with the new characters, I “main” Sakuya – because well… she’s the best :D – Suika’s great too of course.

I’m still waiting for my shipments to come… >.> At least I still have a week and a half until classes start. I also need to desperately see if anyone’s going to sell Stripe Pattern’s Gungnir someplace where I can buy it. I have a nervous feeling that it’s going to be VERY hard to get, and I want it – passionately.